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Facts About Italy

One hundred and one fun facts about Italy:

  1. Rome is further North than New York City. New York City is about the same latitude as Naples Italy.
  2. Pizza Margherita was invented in Naples in 1889 to honor Italy’s Queen Margherita of Savoy, who was visiting the city.
  3. Pizza will unite the world: “Pizza is one of the very few words which is understood all over the world” 🙂
  4. Italy is slightly larger than Arizona.
  5. More than 20% of Italy’s population is over 65 years old – it’s the highest percentage in Europe.
  6. Italy borders with Austria, France, Vatican City, San Marino, Slovenia, and Switzerland.
  7. Its longest border is with Switzerland.
  8. The Italian woman has in average 1.27 children. Women in Italy have 1.34 children, if included foreign women.
  9. Everybody 18 and over can vote, however you have to be at least 25 to vote for the Senate’s elections.
  10. … And here’s our 10th fact about Italy: the Italian flag is inspired by the French, which was introduced during Napoleon’s 1797 invasion of the peninsula.
  11.  The average Italian makes $26,700 a year, however those in the more prosperous North make almost $40,000.
  12. This is a very interesting fact about Italy: did you know that the thermometer is an Italian invention?
  13. Italy’s unemployment rate is around 9.7%, but it is as high as 18.4% in the more impoverished South. The youth unemployment rate is even worse: 28.7% for those between 15 and 24 years old (2019)
  14. Italian farms produce grapes, potatoes, sugar beets, soybeans, wheat and olives. They rear cows and produce meat and dairy.
  15. Another fact about Italy  related to inventions: the name of electricity measurement “Volt” comes from Alessandro Volta, who invented the first battery in 1779.
  16. The average life expectancy at birth for an Italian is 80.6 years for men, 85 for women.
  17. The famous children’s story, Pinocchio, was written by an Italian.
  18. The city of Naples gave birth to pizza.
  19. The piano hails from Italy.
  20. Fun fact about Italy number 20: the longest river in Italy is the Po.
  21. The average Italian consumes half a pound of bread a day.
  22. Italy’s contributions to science include the barometer, the electric battery, nitroglycerin, and wireless telegraphy.
  23. Famous Italian explorers include Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, John Cabot, and Amerigo Vespucci.
  24. Today’s modern Italian originated in the region of Tuscany.
  25. Enrico Fermi, inventor of the nuclear reactor, was an Italian.
  26. The automobile is one of Italy’s greatest products. In addition to the Fiat brand, Fiat owns the Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Chrysler brands.
  27. Even though the number of foreign tourists increased by 3% in the Summer 2017, Italy’s dropped from 4th to the 5th position in the ranking of the most visited countries in the world.
  28. The Italian peninsula is home to two microstates, San Marino and Vatican City .
  29. Besides Julius Caesar, Shakespeare also set in Italy (entirely or partially): Romeo and Juliet, Othello, The Merchant of Venice, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, CymbelineMuch Ado About Nothing, OthelloThe Taming of the Shrew, Titus Andronicus, The Two Gentlemen of VeronaA Winter’s Tale.
  30. The Eau de Cologne was invented by an Italian that emigrated to Koln (Cologna), in Germany.
    Facts About Italy
    Facts About Italy: Venice

    Fun facts about Italy: there are two other states inside the territory of the State of Italy
    Vatican City and San Marino Republic

  31. A fact about Italy and  America: The majority of Italian-American immigrants came from Naples and Southern Italy.
  32. Mt. Vesuvius last erupted in 1944, destroying a number of villages.
  33. Eyeglasses are an Italian invention.
  34. The average Italian is 44 years old.
  35. Italy has 20 regions, 5 of which have a special status of Autonomous Region, that gives them more independence from central government.
  36. Before adopting the euro, Italy’s currency was known as the lira.
  37. The average Italian consumes 26 gallons of wine a year.
  38. Italy’s major industries include tourism, machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, food processing, textiles, motor vehicles, clothing, footwear, and ceramics.
  39. What a curious fact about Italy: the country has more hotel rooms than any other nation in Europe.
  40. The espresso machine hails from Italy.
  41. Italy is the world’s 7th largest industrial economy and the 3rd in Europe.
  42. Barely a third of Italy’s land is arable and suitable for farming.
  43. Italy’s biggest trading partners are Germany, France, the United States, and Great Britain.
  44. Over 40% of Italy’s labor force is unionized.
  45. The telephone was created by an Italian (Meucci).
  46. Most of Italy’s industry is centered around the northern cities of Milan, Turin and Genoa.
  47. Since the end of WWII, Italy has seen almost 60 governments come and go.
  48. The area around Venice is one of the wealthiest regions in Europe.

    Facts About Italy
    Facts About Italy: Venice and its province are among the richest areas of Europe
  49. Over 75% of Italy is mountainous or hilly.
  50. The typewriter is an Italian invention.
  51. A sad fact about Italy: Italians used to be known for having large families, however Italy is now known for having Europe’s lowest birthrate.
  52. Italy owes much of its prosperity to thousands of small private family enterprises.
  53. Most unmarried children live with their parents.
  54. The average Italian consumes 25 kilograms of pasta a year.
  55. The Jewish Ghetto in Rome is now one of the most expensive real estate areas in the city. You can read also about the facts about Rome separately.
  56. With about 2.8 million people, Rome is Italy’s largest Italy. Milan is the second with 1.3 million people.
  57. Italy has a population of over 60 million, foreigners are 8.2% of the population
  58. Italy imports over 75% of its energy.
  59. The service sector accounts for almost 70% of the Italian economy.
  60. Agriculture used to make up over a third of Italy’s economy. It now makes up less than three percent.
  61. The official language is Italian, but German and French are also spoken in some regions.
  62. A fact about Italy and its capital not many may actually know: the Seven Hills of Rome are Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal.
  63. The symbol SPQR can be found on many ancient and modern buildings in Rome. It stands for “the senate and people of Rome” (Senatus PopulusQue Romanus)
  64. Rome was founded in 753 BC.
  65. Italy did not become a united country until 1861.
  66. Every kid between the ages of 6-15 go to mandatory school. More than 90 percent of them attend public schools considered better for learning than private schools.
  67. Before Rome became a republic and an empire, it had seven kings.
  68. The first king of Rome was its legendary founder, Romulus.
  69. “Ars longa, vita brevis” is a common saying in Italy. It means “art is long, life is short” and reflects the Italian love of leisure.
  70. An engineering marvel of the ancient world, the Cloaca Maxima, is still part of the sewer system of Rome.
  71. The first Roman Emperor was Octavian Augustus, who came to power in 27 BC.
  72. The Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, after its last emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was forced to abdicate by barbarian invaders.
  73. A Roman Centurion commanded hundred men.
  74. A Roman Legion was made up of 6,000 men.
  75. Another interesting fact about Italy: it has a resident foreign population of 1.27 million.
  76. Italy’s current constitution took effect January 1st, 1948.
  77. The president of Italy is a ceremonial figure.
  78. The prime minister serves as the head of government and is the one who runs the country.
  79. Since October 1946, the national anthem of Italy has been the Inno di Mameli.
  80. Family recreational activities in small villages include taking a traditional Sunday passeggiata (family stroll).
  81. The colors of the Italian flag derive from the French one, from which it was inspired; the color blue was replaced with the green from the Milan’s Civic Guard.
  82. The Italian Republic does not have an official motto, but it usually considers the first line of the Italian Constitution as such: “L’Italia e’ una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro” (Italy is a democratic Republic, founded on labor).
  83. St. Francis of Assisi and St. Caterina of Siena are the patron saints of Italy.
  84. 95% of Italians are Roman Catholic, but only about 30 percent of all Italians attend church regularly.
  85. The Roman Catholic Church is based in Italy.
  86. Italy has over 3,000 museums.
  87. The national sport of Italy is soccer (known as football outside of America).
  88. Italy’s national dish is pasta: but is this fact about Italy really true, in the end?
  89. The Italian language evolved from the Latin of the Roman Empire.
  90. The Italian peninsula is surrounded by five seas (the Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenean, Ligurian, and Mediterranean).
  91. Italy has two large islands, Sicily and Sardinia, as well as a number of smaller islands.
  92. Napoleon spent his first exile on the Italian island of Elba.
  93. The Alps form Italy’s northern border and, for a long time, protected the peninsula from invasions.
  94. Italy has three active volcanoes: Vesuvius, Etna, and Stromboli.
  95. Naples is the largest city in southern Italy.
  96. After Rome, Milan is the second-largest city in Italy.
  97. Rome’s nickname is The Eternal City.
  98. Florence is considered by many the home of Italian art.
  99. Around 1284 in Italy, Salvino D’Armate was credited with inventing the first wearable eye glasses.
  100. Italian has many dialects.
  101. One last fact about Italy for you: Italy has the highest number of cultural sites recognized by UNESCO world Heritage

Facts About Italy:
Facts About Italy: Gelato: the ice cream cone is an Italian invention.

By Paolo Nascimbeni

Edited by Francesca Bezzone

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Curious Facts about Italian Food

Facts About Italy
Facts About Italy: Road signs the Italian Way 🙂

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