Don’t panic, I don’t want to teach you arithmetics! Instead, I’d like to help you learn how to talk about some of the easy arithmetical operations that apply in our daily life. Arithmetics is the oldest and simplest branch of mathematics, used by almost everyone. It is practiced daily by […]
Learn Italian
Accents and Apostrophes
Learn How to Use Accents and Apostrophes in Italian In the Italian language accents (accenti) are used to indicate where the voice should fall with more force when pronouncing a word; therefore in Italian words we distinguish tonic syllables (where the accent falls) and atonic syllables. In Italian accent marks are used for […]
Learn Italian When Not in Italy
Studying Italian when not in Italy For those who cannot afford to travel to Italy to learn the Italian language there are several options available to start your study. Whether you want to brush up on conversational Italian before a trip, or desire to become completely fluent there are tools […]
Help and Assistance
Help and assistance phrases in Italian Learn Italian Help – Aiuto Help me – Aiutatemi It’s urgent – E’ urgente Call a doctor / an ambulance – Chiamate un medico / un’ambulanza Where is the ER? – Dov’è il pronto soccorso? Call the police – Chiamate la polizia […]
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Verbs in Italian Grammar Il verbo può indicare un’azione che passa direttamente su un complemento detto oggetto o diretto come: Mangio il pane; Guardo la campagna, Rompo la noce, in cui l’idea di mangiare, del guardare, del rompere, non si può concepire senza quella dell’oggetto su cui ricadono queste azioni. […]
Renting a Car in Italy
One great way to see Italy is by car. Not only will you be able to visit a multitude of spots, but you’ll also have control over when and where you stop. Adding freedom and the open road to your Italy trip means a virtually perfect vacation. Like in the […]
How to Express a date in Italian
Years and Centuries Italiano: 1 gennaio 2011 gg/mm/aa (d/m/y – North Americans generally place the month first) ° day wrote in Western numbers ° month expressed with letters or with numbers ° year, wrote in full length For example: 4.6.80 = 4 giugno 1980 = June 4th,1980 il 1 febbraio 1981 […]
The Preposition A in Italian Sentences
Explaining and understanding the use of prepositions in Italian isn’t always easy, but today we will begin to delve into the issue by explaining the use of the preposition A. A preposition describes a relationship between words in a sentence. In Italian we normally use the preposition A with cities […]
Prepositions in Italian Grammar
A preposition is used to join pronouns, nouns and phrases to words in a sentence; the object is the word or phrase introduced by the preposition. Usually a preposition indicates the location of the object it is linking to the rest of the sentence (spacial) or explains when it […]
Italian Proverbs II
Con niente non si fa niente. With nothing you can make nothing. You can’t make something from nothing. Del senno di poi (ne) son piene le fosse. Ditches are full of hindsight. Detto fatto. Said & done. Dopo la pioggia viene il bel tempo. After the rain comes good weather. […]