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The Gerund Tense

Il Gerundio Il Gerundio nella lingua italiana esprime l’idea del verbo in funzione di complemento (di tempo, di modo, di mezzo, di causa ecc); es. Lavorando ( = col lavoro) mi guadagno la vita; Avendo sbagliato ( = A causa dello sbaglio) sono stati puniti. Il gerundio ha solo 2 […]

Learn Italian

History of the Language

Italian is considered one of the most romantic and melodic languages in the history of the world. It is one of the more desirable languages to learn, and people from all around the world strive to master this enchanting tongue. The history of the Italian language actually illustrates the history of […]


Ordering Pizza

I think pizza is the most popular dish around the world. Most people think pizza has Italian origins and this is mostly true, but the dish may have some very ancient roots, indeed. The Persians were probably the first to put vegetables on large slices of bread and it appears they […]

Learn Italian

Pronunciation: Consonants

Most Italian consonant sound the same as in English. However, there are a few spelling peculiarities you should take notice of: c before an e or an i is always pronounced soft ch is always pronounced hard, as in the letter k ca, co, and cu are always pronounced hard For […]

Learn Italian

Italian Conditional Tense

In Italian grammar, we use the conditional tense when it refers to an action that is possible or likely, but dependent upon a condition. Example: I would go on holiday, but I haven’t enough time. Vorrei andare in vacanza ma non ho abbastanza tempo. It can be used in two tenses, the present, by conjugation of […]


Dating conversation

  During a date it is sometimes difficult to start a conversation, as it may require more confidence than usual: if you are out on the town together, it means you probably like each other already, but a good chat may help to get to know each other better.   Generally […]