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Italian Genealogy

The Internet has made researching family history easier than ever and it has become very popular among Italian Americans. Not only do these services allow you to discover the past, but also the present as you can look up other branches of your family tree that have been out of contact. Italian immigrants spread out over the world so it is not surprising for Italian Americans to discover long lost cousins in Argentina, France, Spain, North Africa and Australia by using these websites. There are countless genealogy sites out there, many of them dedicated to Italian ancestry, here are some of the most popular found on the web. Keep in mind that some of these sites require a paid membership to use the best tools.


Cyndi’s list

You can find an extensive list of Italian genealogy sites subdivided by category at Cyndy’s List a great genealogy starting point online for more than a decade!


Italian Genealogy.com

ItalianGenalogy.com is a comprehensive website that covers the Italian experience as it left the homeland. The site has information on Italian history, nobility and heraldry, dialects, and many other topics to help further your genealogical search. Besides the articles membership allows entrance into the forum, which is a great place to ask a question, especially if you can’t find it on the web. Official Website: italiangenealogy.com

Italian Ancestry.com

This “jumpsite” is a portal for Italian genealogy information – from Italian genealogical information to Italian Government links. The site covers everything from basic information to start your ancestry search to more complicated issues like writing to Italian churches for baptismal records. The site is linked with virtually every major Italian genealogical website Official Website: italianancestry.com


My Italian Family.com

My Italian Family is an online network of Italian genealogical specialist that can research your family history back several centuries. The website also offers tools to do your own research, such as helping contact the correct Italian resources and even help in translation. The site offers a free consultation but a fee is required for membership. Official Website: www.myitalianfamily.com


Italian Genealogy Tree

Italian Genealogical Research Groups Online

Italian Genealogical Group

The IGG is based in New York City with a worldwide membership dedicated to Italian history and family genealogy. Members share family history and have created an online database of Italian surnames and maintain a lending library. With its diverse membership, the IGG has compiled some very useful resources and new members are given an informative packet of Italian genealogical information. Official Website: www.italiangen.org


General Genealogy Sites


If your family immigrated to the United States then this is a good place to start your search. Free registration allows for viewing of ship rolls, original ship manifests and even passenger ship information.


This site is owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and is the “largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world.” This is another good site for beginners as they have lots of tools to use without paying a membership fee.


One of the most popular on the Web and allows paying members to access information from the immigration, military, US census, newspapers and much more. Members can create an online family tree to keep track of discoveries.


Another popular genealogical search Website that also allows paying members to create an online family tree. Genealogy.com also sells family tree software and other resource tools.

Italian Names A to G
Italian Names I to M
Italian Names N to Z
Italian Surnames

One Comment

  1. vestido herve leger replica

    Great submit… particularly for the patriotic on the market who are trying to
    maintain it within the country. Thanks for
    taking the time.

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