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Italian Names I-M

Italian Names – baby names A to D

Italian Baby Names – Italian Names

A Great Present:
Have the baby name
hand painted
on an Italian ceramic set

Italian Names A to G
> Italian Names I to M
> Italian Names N to Z
> Italian Surnames
> Italian Genealogy

Ilario Male Cheerful.
Ilaria Female
Imelda Female A floret.
Immacolata Female The immaculate conception.
Irene Female
Isabella Female A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Jolanda Female A violet flower. Also see Violet and Iolanthe.
Lamberto Male
Laura Female
Lidia Female
Linda Female
Loredana Female
Leonardo Male As brave as a lion. Also see Leander, Lionel and Leo.




Languid, weary.
Lorenzo Male From the Laurel tree or crowned with laurels.
Loretta Female A laurel wreath or a tree.
Lothario Male A famous warrior.
Lucetta Female Light. The feminine form of Lucius and Luke.
Lucia Female Light. The feminine form of Lucius and Luke.
Luciana Female Light. The feminine form of Lucius and Luke.
Lucio Male Light.
Ludovico Male
Ludovica Female
Luca Male
Luigi Male
Luisa Female A famous warrior maiden. The feminine form of Louis.
Luzio Male Light. Also see Luke.
Luzio Male Light. Also see Luke.
Lychorinda Female From Shakespeare’s play Pericles
Madonna Female My lady. From a title of the Virgin Mary.
Magenta Female A colour name, after a town in Italy.
Majella Female From the name of an Italian saint.
Marcello Male From Marcus, which relates to Mars, the God of war. Also see Marius and Martin.
Maddalena Female
Margherita Female
Mara Female
Marica Female
Marina Female
Mario Male
Marisa Female
Maria Female
Marco Male From Marcus, which relates to Mars, the God of war. Also see Marius and Martin.
Mariabella female my beautiful Mary
Marietta Female Bitter, as in a bitterly wanted child. Also – The star of the sea.
Marsala Female A town, and a sweet fortified wine.
Marta Female A lady.
Massimo Male The greatest.
Michele Male
Michela Female
Milena Female
Michelangelo Male Michael the angel. The first name of the famous artist Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Mina Female
Mirko or Mirco Male
Mimi Female Bitter, as in a bitterly wanted child. Also – The star of the sea.
Monica Female

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