Thirty years old Italians had to face a series of difficulties. First the collapse of the global economy, now the post Coronavirus situation. This generation of the old Millennials passed through the crisis of 2008-2013, and before it could recover, the pandemic arrived. It is not a surprise if, in ten years, the absolute poverty rate of under 35s in Italy has doubled. It is therefore very difficult for young people to buy a house in Italy. Even couples face serious difficulties.
Home in Italian is “casa”. Buy a “casa” in Italy for young people seems to be a real issue. How to buy a house then? The government is taking some actions to change the situation. The “Sostegni bis decree” will allow young buyers to save money.

Buy a house in Italy: the actions of the Italian government
The “Sostegni bis decree” in favor of young people with a low income, will be active between 21 MAy 2021 until the end 30 June 2022. Young people under 36 who buy their first home can benefit from exemption from the registration, mortgage, and cadastral taxes. For purchases subject to VAT, a tax credit is established for an amount equal to the amount of the value-added tax related to the purchase. The main goal of the Italian government is to encourage young people to buy a house, however, the aim is also to increase the growth of the Italian population. In fact, Italy is one of the European countries with fewer new births.
The requisites to purchase the first home and benefit from the bonus

To get the exemption from the registration tax, from mortgage and cadastral taxes the buyer has to:
- Be less than 36 years old in the year in which he signs the purchase contract;
- Have an ISEE (is an indicator used to evaluate and compare a family’s economic situation) lower than 30,000 euros per year.
Excluded cathegories
Buyers should mind that the property must be the first home, moreover, not all properties can benefit from the bonus. The excluded categories are stately homes, villas, castles, palaces of outstanding artistic or historical value.
To buy the first house in Italy, people have to add about ten percent of taxes to the property price. This fact discourages a lot of young people and contributes to the trend of people in their 30es still living with their parents. Hopefully, the government’s interventions will help to reverse the trend.
It’s a good opportunity from the gouvernement given to the young people !
It is interesting, you have to fit with the requirement but for young investors it can be a good beginning
I don’t think it’s a trend to stay at home until you are 30, i think it’s a calamity