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Men Fashion

Pitti uomo: the temple of fashion for men

Italians are fond of fashion and it is  certainly not only  a women’s affair. In fact, Italian men love being always cool, prepped and  enjoy following the all the latest trends. This is not surprising, considering Italy is, along with France and the USA, the very creative epicenter of the fashion world.

However, even if Milan is considered  the capital of Italian fashion, there is another event which  has become paramount to all fashionistas around the world: Pitti Uomo.  One of Italian fashion’s major events, it attracts the attention of both national and international companies working in the industry.

Set in the beautiful, artistic backdrop of  Florence, Pitti Uomo is only one of  several fashion shows taking place in the Tuscan city throughout the year; in fact, Pitti Immagine- the umbrella-name of all the florentine fashion events- also includes Pitti Immagine W, the fashion event for women, Pitti Immagine Bimbo, dedicated to children and  Pitti Immagine Filati,  revolving around yarns and fabrics.

Pitti Uomo is the first appointment on Florence fashion calendar,  and embraces all facets of man fashion. This year, Pitti Uomo has reached its  81st edition.

A lot of fashion designers exhibited their collections, which are an anticipation of 2012/2013  Autumn-Winter trends.

Pitti Uomo transformed Florence in the fashion capital of the country for three days, from the 10th to the  13th of January, and created the possibility for many companies to showcase their products.

This year, The Pitti Uomo man wears comfortable clothes made with functional and warm textiles. Several trends were anticipated, but the rock and roll style, inspired by the city of New York, and bright colored down jackets are what really called the attention of the public.

However,  also materials and fabrics played a leading role, thanks to real innovations in the field, such as the hydra-nek used to make clothes breathable and water-proof. Jackets are another must-have: the trendiest is called “the anti-crisis jacket”, as it has a cardigan attached, is multifunctional and brings you two items for the price of one.

Other trends seek inspiration from the  past, especially 50’s, which is reinterpreted and placed in a more modern context.

This is, in brief,  what men will most likely wear  this Autumn: for those of you who did not make it to Pitti Uomo, chances are you will see most of these items in the window of a shop near you soon.

If you do not  want to miss the other events, just visit the official Pitti Immagine website.

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