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The Biennale Architettura 2021 has opened its doors in Venice

Visitors can enjoy the Biennale of Architecture from May 22nd until November, 21st. Here’s a preview.

This is the 17th edition of the Biennale Architettura 2021 in Venice. It’s an international exhibition with the catchy title and theme: How will we live together? 

What we know about the exhibit

The curator of the Biennale Architettura 2021 is Hashim Sarkis, while the organizer is La Biennale di Venezia. This year’s edition features 112 participants from 46 different countries. The exhibition is organized into five scales. And visitors can move in the three scales of the Arsenale anf the two scales of the Central Pavillion.

Furthermore, the themes are: Among Diverse Beings, As New Households, As Emerging Communities, Across Borders, and As One Planet. Plus, visitors can enjoy a project dedicated to children, with the title How will we play together? Five architects focused on kids’ play and people can see the result at Forte Marghera.

Also, this year there are some special participations, by architects who are out of the competition. For example, one of them is the theme of sports in an outdoor installation. Or the work by Israeli artist Michal Rovner in the Central Pavilion. Another must see is the result of the collaboration with London’s Victoria and Alber Museum. Indeed, it’s the Special Project at the Pavilion of Applied Arts (Arsenale, Sale d’Armi A) titled Three British Mosques.

We open the Giardini and the Arsenale with an even greater awareness of just how much La Biennale’s work mirrors the contemporary world, which is here interpreted and sometimes foreshadowed by the proposals put forward by the curators and those who participate with their own work,” said the President Roberto Cicutto.

Where architecture and dance meet

From July 23rd until August 1st, the Biennale Architettura 2021 overlaps with the 15th International Festival of Contemporary Dance. And visitors can mix and match architecture and dance at Venice’s Arsenale. In fact, the exhibition Among Diverse Beings features installations, dancers, and choreographers of the Biennale College.

How to visit the Biennale Architettura 2021

So, how can you visit this exhibit? First, the Biennale divides between two places: the Arsenale of Venice and the Giardini. You can easily reach these two destinations with the local bus, which you can take from the railway station, or Piazzale Roma.

Useful information for visitors

Indeed, it’s time to start planning:

  • The Biennale Architettura 2021 is closed on Mondays (except for 6 September and 1 November)
  • From May 22nd to July 31st, the opening times are: 11 am – 7 pm
  • From August 1st until November 21st, the opening hours are: 10 am – 6 pm
  • You have to book online to enter
  • If you plan on going during the weekend, you have to book online at least one day in advance
  • The ticket is euro 25, while people over 65 pay euro 20. This allows you to enter both the Arsenale and the Giardini.
  • People under 26 pay euro 16 (with a valid ID)
  • There are two daily guided tours, both in English and Italian, at 11.15am and 2.15pm. The cost is euro 7 per venue.

Now, you are ready to visit the Biennale Architettura 2021. Are you planning on going?

Another exhibition that you can’t miss is the Gucci Garden Archetypes in Florence!


  1. I didn’t know about this event, it’s very interesting thank you

  2. The themes are very creative

  3. Such a good and interesting event to visit !

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