If you are looking for something quiet and quaint, a little rest and relaxation, yet still with the opportunity to take what is best about Italy, than a trip to Campobasso should be included in your itinerary. It is located in the Molise region of the country, which sits in the south eastern area bordering the Adriatic to the east, the Abruzzo region to the north and the Apulia region to the south. Campobasso is the capital of the Molise region and of the province of Campobasso.

This quiet town of a little over 50,000 strong acts more like a town half that size. Its serene setting between the Sannio and Matese mountains belies its natural beauty and charm. Walking down the cobblestone streets (bring some good walking shoes) provides one with a chance to breath Italy without the fumes of the typical tourist locations. It acts like a quiet and relaxed small village because in many ways it is. You will not find the traffic congestion you would in Rome or Milan. The streets are peaceful and easy to navigate without the elbows from your pedestrian neighbors. While the energy level may be lower than the major cities, its uniqueness and hospitality does not fall short.

The area has some recent history to go along with its traditional Italian lore. In 1861, when the country was united, the borders of the Molise region ran along the Fortore and Volturno rivers. It actually was united to the Abruzzo region as well. Fast forward 100 years. After the second world war there were many in this region who wanted to make this area autonomous. 1964 brought independence to the region of Molise, establishing it as a region of its own with Campobasso as its capital. Furthermore, in the early 1970’s over 50 municipalities of the Province were separated and a new Province, Isernia was created.
Situated about 700 meters above sea level and sitting close to the Apennine Mountains makes Campobasso one of the chillier cities in this part of the country. It is not uncommon to see regular snowfalls in the winter. The autumn weather can be wet and rainy, as well.
St. George, Camposbasso’s patron saint, watches over this town that has seen and been through much in its time. The remnants of the different peoples who conquered and were conquered in the early days are prevalent in and around the city. At once a defensive stronghold, the city evolved into an important trading and administrative center. Campobasso saw its share of heavy fighting, also, during World War II. Fall of 1943 proved particularly devastating to the city as heavy bombardment knocked out many public buildings and took the lives of many, including the bishop of the diocese. Canadian troops were prevalent throughout this part of Italy, so much so, that the resulting administrative control made such an impression on the area that Campobasso was sometimes called “Canada town” or “Maple Leaf City”. In fact, one of its sister cities now is Ottawa, Canada. As the war progressed and eventually ended the town spent much time and effort to clear the region of unexploded warheads. As a result, in 1995 the city was awarded the Bronze Medal for Civil Valour.
Campobasso: The Main Sights
The primary attraction in Campobasso is the Castello Monforte, built in the 1400’s. The castle has the trademark merlons across much of the structure. Merlons are architectural structures built atop castle walls to provide individual combatants with protection as well as an opening for their weaponry. The current building is built over remnants of older structures, most likely because of earthquakes that have occurred here.
Continuing the ancient historical tour, you will come across the Chiesa della Madonna del Monte, which sits next to the castle. As with many churches, inside you will find many works of art, including a wooden statue of the Incoronata, which dates back to the 1300’s. A church built to the Patron saint was erected here and is below the castle. The church of St. George was built roughly around the year 1000. Two other structures of note are the Cathedral, built in the early 1500’s and the church of San Bartolomeo dating back to the 11th century. Villa de Capoa, a beautifully landscaped garden should also be taken in on your journey here. It has been recently restored and is adorned with statues as well as with various plant life.
Transportation to and from the city is easily attainable by both rail and car. The railway station is located in the center of the city and since all trains stop here, provides good connections to Rome, Naples and Pescara. An updated highway system also helps in reducing travel times to and from Rome. However, one of the joys of Camposbasso is experiencing the outlying small towns and villages. Many of these hamlets are only a few kilometers away into the hills and mountainside. If you are doing any exploring here, you do probably want to rent a car. Each of these towns has a special feel that you do not want to miss when visiting.
The main campus of the University of Molise also is part of the city of Campobasso. It is known for its many programs including its specialization center, which is geared toward those training to be High School teachers. The university is relatively new, having only been founded in 1982.
The many traditions of Italy are followed here, as well. The main square provides many indoor and outdoor cafes and bars as well as pubs and dance spots. Families also gather here to meet and mingle over ice cream. It is not uncommon to see families enjoying this activity well into the late evening. In addition, don’t forget about the local soccer team. The Campobasso football club is alive and well playing in the Serie D league, hosting all of their matches at Stadio Nuovo Romagnoli.
Campobasso provides any visitor with a taste of Italy that has you wanting to come back for more.
By Mike Mancini
Cynthia we could see Montagano from our town of Roccaspromonte
my grandmother came from Oratino and my grandfather came from Roccaspromonte both CB towns. she was from the Tirabasso family and he Bottini my other grand parents came from roccaspromonte. Lombardi and D’Onofrio.
My Dad was born in Toro, Campobasso
Rossodivita is our family name. My dad immigrated to U S in June 1923. i was there in 2006 to see my aunt and cousins. my cousin is an attorney in Campobasso but i lost track of her.
My paternal grandfather immigrated from Campobasso around 1912 – Venere was the family name
My Great Grandmother was born in Montagano and her last name was Jacovino. They lived in North Bergen near Nanny Goat Hill like Rodney Marione posted. Montagano is right outside of Campobasso. I was there in Summer 2019
my grandfather Alfino LiBrizzi and grandmother Carmella Randazzo are from Campo Basso ended up in Milwaukee I am trying to go to Greece this summer 2020 if they lift the travel ban from there I want to visit this wonderful town
Only last year did I finally discover my biological mother’s identity. Her father, Thomas Campagnone came from Campobasso to the U.S. before WW2 and settled in Rhode Island. He married Mary Ida Trombley (nee Santos) who was born in the Azores. My paternal heritage is also strongly Italian and I hope to get to Italy after the pandemic clears. I would love to hear from anyone with knowledge of the Campagnone family in Campobasso.
My biological father and his family are from Campobasso. They are Carusella. I would love to have any contact from family still there!! One day when this coronaviris is eradicated I will come see Campobasso!
My family too is from Campobasso, Licameli was my grandfathers families last name
My mother told me here parents came from Campobasso, family name Licameli, I bet I still have family there
My maternal great-grandparents were both from Montagano in Molise and I located family members going back to the 1600s based on a MyHeritage tree developed from a gentleman in Argentina with whom I share a common ancestor. It contains a few hundred ancestors and includes birth, baptism, marriage, and death dates for the entire extended family. Many residents of Montagano emigrated to the Pittsburgh area in the early 1900s and that is where I grew up. If you would like additional info, feel fee to contact me at [email protected] or check out my MH family tree. It is the “Grimm Jr” family tree and it is public.
I am coming to Campobasoo in April 2020 and would welcome any help in locating my family there. My great grandfather was Angelo Fagnanno, great grandmother Maudistina Iannantuono.
My great, great grandfather came from Campobasso, and became a farmer in North Bergen, NJ in an area called Nanny Goat Hill. My Dad was born in 1915 and his dad came here at 8 years old, with his dad, supposedly for better opportunity as my grandfather, once claimed. My grandfather, a prominent local contractor, died in an accident before I was born. My great, great grandfather, as an infant, was left on the steps of a French/ Italian nunnery in Campobasso and was given a French/Italian name, Marione. The only records we have were aquired by my brother on Ancestry.com. It was only , that we were from Campobasso. Unless there are Mariones in Campobasso, the family lore is inaccurate. I recently aquired all this information.
I would love to visit Campbasso, and connect with other DeCarlos. My grandfather is listed as being from there before immigrating to NY. Bucket list trip within next couple years!
My family on my Mother’s side is in Campobasso. She left at 19 to marry my Dad. They met when he rescued her during an enemy attack in WW2. Recently, I went there to meet lots of cousins for the first time (thank you Facebook). It was a truly emotional experience and although born and brought up British, once there, I felt my Italian blood strongly. My family are also Palladinos!
My mom just told me my Di Lallo family is from there. They moved from Italy to Canada. Makes you wonder about the Canadian troops during WW II. I would love to visit this place.
my grandfather Michael Valentino was from there, I would so love to visit.
Campobasso is where my family originated. there are still DeCarlo’s living there. my brother traveled there
25 years ago to meet relatives for the first time. he said it is beautiful country to visit.
My grandfather Pasquale Iannone left Campobasso in 1907 to come to America I hope to visit within the next 3 years
my grandfather was from there his name was antonio pallotto
Je cherche Buccella PAQUALE , j’ai été malade très longtemps , je n’ai vu qu’une fois et je pense à lui tout le temps… Je sais qu’il est malade aussi , j’ai besoin de le voir même si vraiment il se rappelle plus de moi… je n’ai plus le téléphone que j’avais… Si quelqu’un mais Dédé m’aider s’il vous plaît… Comme je l’ai dit j’ai été très malade et je ne savais plus parler et écrire donc c’est pas moi qui ai écrit tout ça (
Merci…🤔😪😪 Le téléphone si jamais…
Je cherche Buccella PAQUALE , j’ai été malade très longtemps , je n’ai vu qu’une fois et je pense à lui tout le temps… Je sais qu’il est malade aussi , j’ai besoin de le voir même si vraiment il se rappelle plus de moi… je n’ai plus le téléphone que j’avais… Si quelqu’un mais Dédé m’aider s’il vous plaît… Comme je l’ai dit j’ai été très malade et je ne savais plus parler et écrire donc c’est pas moi qui ai écrit tout ça (
My family is from Campobasso. I have never been there but would love to visit. I believe there is still family there I have never met.