Also known as “Tormentoni“: Tormentone is an expression used in Italy to indicate a song that during the summer has great diffusion through the main media (radio, television, streaming) and in recreational environments such as discos, ballrooms and tourist villages.
Typical characteristics of Tormentoni are: simple lyrics, danceable rhythm, easily catchy and repetitive melodies, easy-to-recognize rhymes and texts dealing with undemanding topics.
We can have various “Tormentoni” in the same summer, although some songs are more successful than others. In the past, in Italy, these songs were often linked to singing events such as Un disco per l’estate, Cantagiro and Festivalbar.
Some songs become “summer hits” as they are used as soundtracks for television advertisements that amplify their diffusion among the public. 1000 or Mille was a famous tormentone from 2021. See also
Ciao Ciao: Came out before the summer but I really like this song 🤣:
Carl Brave e Noemi: Hula-Hoop
Maneskin the first Italian rock group with a following overseas as well as in Italy.
Tropicana, feat. Annalisa: Boomdabash
One of my preferred songs this year. Elodie however is always good.
Elodie: Tribale
Elisa with Matilda De Angelis: Litoranea
BLANCO: Nostalgia
Elisa, Matilda De Angelis: Litoranea
Tommaso Paradiso: Piove in discoteca
La Rappresentante di Lista : DIVA
Last Summer Orietta Berti had a hit at 75 years old after many years. This summer Loredana Berte’, age 71 is on the way to a hit
Franco 126 e Loredana Bertè 💕: Mare malinconia
Jovanotti has been around for a long time. He was one of the early Italian rappers. The name Jovanotti derives from giovanotti, the plural form of the Italian word giovanotto which means young man.