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Italian lakes: a relaxing holiday stop

Lakes have always attracted a lot of tourists, perhaps because of their mysterious atmosphere or simply because they are always situated in relaxing areas, far from chaos and pollution, which allow people to plunge in pure nature. Whatever the reason might be, in Italy lakes are a highly-rated destination to spend Sundays and, if there are good facilities and organized hotels, the whole weekend. It is possible to find lakes all over the country. In fact, each region has at least one lake where people generally go to have a picnic and relax.

Italy is, actually, one of the Mediterranean countries with the highest number of lakes, which are mainly situated in the alpine and pre-alpine area of Northern Italy. However, there are many others in the centre and the south of the country.

Some of them are particularly renowned and known internationally and have become popular destinations. These lakes have actually turned into a real, international tourist attraction thanks to their enchanting landscapes and clean air. Moreover, they are ‘all-seasons’ destinations because they can be visited all year round: in Autumn and  Winter, they are calm, mysterious and melancholic. In Spring and Summer, their banks are coloured by  beautiful trees and flowers. By means of the cleanliness of their waters, these are possibly the most beautiful lakes in the country:

– the Lake of Monticolo (Alto Adige). Divided into Piccolo, little, and Grande, big. The area around the lake offers several varieties of trees, which makes it a perfect place for all nature lovers; the lake has received a Blue Flag -bandiera blu- from Legambiente, a statement to the purity and clarity of its waters.

– the lake of Mediana (Friuli). Situated near one of the most beautiful areas of northern Friuli, this marvelous lake is hidden amongst enchanted woods. Its emerald green waters and thick vegetation invite people to enjoy the atmosphere and go on excursions. Moreover, a lot of events and festivals are organized during the summer and it is also a great opportunity to discover the fascinating area of Carnia and its culture.

– the lake of Martignano (Lazio) perhaps is a less common destination compared to its more famous companion, the lake of Bracciano. This lake, still uncontaminated and preserved from mass tourism, is quite famous for its magical allure,  that recalls  fairy tales and otherworldly encounters.  It is for this reason that the famous film director Luigi Comencini chose it as an ideal set for some of the scenes of his  Pinocchio.

– the lake of Garda (Veneto) offers a mixture of entertainment and natural beauty. Here, it is possible to do water sports, but also to explore the inner corners of the lake’s surroundings  on foot or by bike.

– the lake of Cavazzo, in Friuli, is another lake that allows people to relax on its shores, or take a swim in its crystal clear waters. Moreover, the area offers a lot of entertainment thanks to several cultural events taking place all year round.

– Awarded a Bandiera Blu, the lake of Molveno in Trentino was defined by the poet and writer Fogazzaro “preziosa perla in più prezioso scrigno“, a precious pearl in an even more precious treasure chest.

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Lakes of Italy: Lake Molveno, Trentino Ph. depositphotos/jukai5

– The lake of Bolsena (Lazio) is the biggest volcanic lakes in Europe. This lake is quite unusual because it treasures an ancient historical site under its waters: the “Gran Carro”, the great cart, are the remains of an ancient village.

– the Lake Como is probably the best known of all Italian lakes: hardly anybody has never heard about it. The famous, unforgivable first words of Manzoni’s  “I promessi sposi”, the Betrothed, (quel ramo del lago di Como– that branch of the lake of Como), as well as international stars and actors who love visiting the area, have made the lake so famous that everybody wants to visit it. The area around the lake is known for the presence of historical villas and amazing gardens, as well as picturesque villages. Moreover, Bellagio has been considered the area of Italy with the cleanest waters.

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Lake Tovel. Depositphoto.com/giuliaisabella

– the lake of Accesa (Tuscany), in Maremma, is often chosen as summer destination thanks ot its atmosphere and the richness of the local fauna and flora.

These are certainly the most renowned lakes but there are others which are certainly worth a visit if you are in other regions of Italy. Here is a complete list of all the Italian laghi, lakes, divided per region:

Lakes in Valle d’Aosta: Lago di Beauregard, Lago di Place-Moulin, Lago di Cignana

Lakes in Piemonte: Lago Agnel, Laghi di Avigliana, Lago Bianco, Lago della Busalletta, Lago di Candia, Lago di Ceresole, Lago di Chiotas , Laghi del Gorzente, Laghi di Lavagnina, Lago di Mergozzo, Lago Maggiore, Lago di Malciaussia, Lago della Meja, Lago del Mucrone, Lago Nero, Lago d’Orta, Lago di Ortiglieto, Lago delle Piane, Lago Ravasanella , Lago di Rimasco, Lago Serrù, Lago della Vecchia, Lago di Viverone .

Lakes in Liguria: Lago degli Abeti, Lago del Brugneto, Lago della Busalletta, Lago di Giacopiane, Laghi del Gorzente, Lago delle Lame, Lago di Ortiglieto, Lago di Osiglia, Lago di Val di Noci

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Karersee, Lago di Carezza, in Trentino Alto Adige, near Bolzano

Lakes in Lombardia: Lago di Alserio, Lago di Annone, Lago di Aviasco, Lago Aviolo,  Lago Baitone, Lago del Barbellino, Lago Becco, Laghi di Caldirolo, Lago Campelli, Lago Casere, Lago Cernello, Laghi della Cerviera, Lago di Coca, Lago Colombo,  Lago di Comabbio, Lago di Como, Lago Delio, Lago di Endine, Lago di Gaiano, Lago del Gallo, Lago di Ganna, Lago di Garda,  Lago di Garlate, Lago Gelt, Laghi Gemelli, Lago Gerundo, Lago di Ghirla, Lago d’Idro, Lago d’Iseo, Lago di Lecco, Lago di Lugano, Lago Maggiore, Lago della Malgina, Lago Marcio, Lago di Mezzola, Lago di Monate, Lago di Montorfano, Lago Moro, Lago Nero, Lago di Olginate, Lago di Piano, Lago di Ponteranica, Lago di Porcile, Lago di Pusiano, Lago di Sartirana, Lago del Segrino, Lago Sucotto, Lago delle Trote, Lago della Vacca, Lago di Valle Sambuzza, Lago di Valvestino, Lago di Varese.

Lakes in Trentino-Alto Adige: Lago di Anterselva, Lago di Braies, Lago di Calaita, Lago di Caldaro, Lago di Caldonazzo, Lago di Carezza, Lago di Costalovara, Lago di Dobbiaco, Lago di Favogna, Lago di Fedaia, Lago di Fiè, Lago di Fortezza, Lago di Garda, Lago di Gioveretto, Lago di Cei, Lago di Landro, Lago di Levico, Lago di Monticolo, Lago di Neves, Lago di Resia, Lago di Rio di Pusteria, Lago di San Valentino alla Muta, Lago di Santa Maria, Lago della Serraia, Lago di Tenno, Lago di Tovel, Lago di Valdaora, Lago di Vuldurna, Lago di Varna, Lago di Vernago, Lago di Zoccolo.

The Lago di Resia, Reschensee, hides a village beneath its waters. The bellfry of the old Curon Venosta emerging from the water is a gruesome memory of the events.

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Reschensee, Lago di Resia, Trentino Alto Adige.

Lakes in Veneto: Lago di Alleghe, Lago di Cadore, Lago di Fimon, Lago del Frassino, Lago di Garda,  Lago di Misurina, Lago Morto, Lago di Pontesei, Lago di Santa Croce

Lakes in Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Lago Bordaglia, Lago di Cavazzo, Lago di Doberdò, Lago di Fusine, Lago di Mucille, Lago di Sauris, Lago del Predil.

Lakes in Emilia-Romagna: Lago Baccio, Lago Moo, Lago della Ninfa, Lago Santo, Lago Scaffaiolo, Lago di Suviana, Lago di Trebecco, Lago Turchino

Lakes in Tuscany: Lago Acquato, Lago di Bientina, Lago di Bilancino, Lago di Burano, Lago di Chiusi, Lago di Gramolazzo, Lago di Massaciuccoli, Lago di Montedoglio, Lago di Montepulciano, Lago Nero, Lago di San Casciano, Lago Piatto, Lago di San Floriano, Lago Scaffaiolo, Lago di Sibolla, Lago di Vagli, Lago di Vladimonio

Lakes in Umbria: Lago di Alviano, Lago di Arezzo, Lago di Corbara, Lago di Piediluco, Lago Trasimeno.

Lakes in Marche: Lago di Pilato, Lago di Talvacchia

Lakes in Lazio: Lago Albano, Lago di Bolsena, Lago di Bracciano, Lago di Caprolace, Lago di Canterno, Lago di Fogliano, Lago di Fondi, Lago di Giulianello, Lagustelli, Lago dei Monaci, Lago di Martignano, Lago di Mezzano, Lago di Nemi, Lago di Posta Fibreno, Lago di Rascino, Lago Regillo, Lago di Sabaudia, Lago del Salto, Lago del Turano, Lago di Ventina, Lago di Vico

Lakes in Abruzzo: Lago di Barrea, Lago di Bomba, Lago di Campotosto, Lago Pio, Lago Sant’Angelo, Lago di San Domenico, Lago di Scanno, Lago di Talvacchia

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Campotosto Lake Ph. depositphotos/LorenzoBovi

Lakes in Molise: Lago di Guardialfiera, Lago di Occhito

Lakes in Campania: Lago d’Averno, Lago di Lucrino, Lago del Matese, Lago di Telese

Lakes in Puglia: Laghi Alimini, Lago di Lesina, Lago di Locone, Lago di Occhito, Lago di Varano

Lakes in Basilicata: Lago di Acerenza, Lago di Pietra del Pertusillo

Lakes in Calabria: Lago Ampolina, Lago Angitola, Lago Arvo, Lago Cecita, Lago Costantino, Lago La Vota, Lago Rumia

Lakes in Sicily: Lago dell’Ancipa, Lago Arancio, Lago Biviere, Lago Dirillo, Lago Disueri, Lago Fanaco, Lago di Ganzirri, Lago Garcia, Gurne dell’Alcantara, Lago Gurrida, Lago di Lentini, Lago Maullazzo, Lago di Nicito, Lago Nicoletti, Lago di Ogliastro, Lago Olivo, Lago Pergusa, Lago di Piana degli Albanesi, Lago Pozzillo, Lago Prizzo, Lago di Santa Rosalia, Lago Trearie, Lago di Venere.

Lakes in Sardinia: Lago di Baratz, Lago di Coghinas, Lago Liscia, Oasi di Sale ‘e Porcu, Lago Omodeo

Before plunging in the beautiful waters of an Italian lake, remember that bathing may be prohibited in some of them, therefore always check notices and signs. But don’t despair,the alternative to a swim is just as good: simply plunge into the relaxing atmosphere created by nature, have a drink at some cafeteria on the lake’s banks, and enjoy the panorama. No matter the season, no matter the lake.

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Lake Fusine and Mount Mangart. Ph. Depositphoto.com/pablodebat

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