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The latest Barbie Role Model is an Italian athlete

Gymnast Milena Baldassarri has become the next Barbie. A positive example for every little girl our there.


The campaign Barbie Role Models has found its latest representative.

Meet Milena Baldassarri

The young sports professional has been playing rhythmic gymnastics since she was . In 2018, she became the Italian champion and 2020 was supposed to be her international confirmation. Despite Covid-19 putting a stop on her dreams, Baldassarri has kept exercising -and set an example for everyone.

Also because the 20-year old balances school and practice, a true and modern athlete. Baldassarri studies French and English. She even speaks Russian. How does she manage?

”I go to school and the rest of the time I train at the gym. After dinner, I study. That’s when I know I have to give 100% of me,” the professional told Cosmopolitan. And she does give everything to her dreams and audience. Which explains why she’d like to be an actress.

“When I am on stage, I feel like I am transmitting something to the audience. And an actor does the same. What really matters to me is communicate the biggest and most important emotions,” she said.

Indeed, the gymnast is a positive example. Hence, the Barbie.

The Barbie Role Models campaign

Barbie role models
The Barbie and the athlete, image via.

Career dolls, inspiring women, and athletes. Barbie has evolved to portray the times. The times of powerful women filled with ambition and success. It’s the Barbie Role Models idea, designed to inspire. Let’s not forget about the vintage vinyl dolls either as they are part of Italian fashion.

“Barbie is committed to shining a light on empowering role models past and present in an effort to inspire more girls. As a key part of our ongoing global initiative, the Dream Gap Project, we’re introducing girls to women’s stories from all walks of life to show them they can be anything.”

The dolls include names such as Cosmonaut Anna Kikina and Para-Athlete Wheelchair Racing Madison De Rozario. Now, it features the Italian Baldassarri. In fact, the world of sports isn’t always fair. On the contrary, discrimination in sports is a reality.

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