We return to discuss the bizarre weather that has plagued Italy recently and shows no signs of abating. The latest news is the return of snow on the Marmolada, despite the fact that the month of July has left us with memories far from those of a regular winter month’s […]
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Gianluigi Buffon, the world champion, has retired his gloves
A surprise for both his Italian fans and his international fans. An announcement that has been floating around for a while, but that the renowned Italian goalie appears to have attempted to avoid as much as possible. A sad and upsetting departure, these last days are sore for the most […]
Fukuoka Swimming World Cup 2023: a rich gain for Italy’s national team
The 20th World Swimming Championships in Fukuoka, Japan, concluded today, July 30. Between July 14 and 30, the elite of our national team competed against champions from across the world in two high-intensity weeks. A nice balance, but with some reservations There isn’t much to complain about for water sports […]
Fire traffic in Italy: the weekend starts with a red stamp
August is quickly approaching, and Anas‘ study predicts heavy traffic in Italy for everyone who intends to drive starting next weekend and lasting the entire month of August. The recent searing heat does not appear to have intimidated the Italians. Over 20 million Italians have planned to take a vacation […]
BREAKING NEWS: Climate Emergency in Italy
Climate emergencies: in the north, disastrous weather; in the south, record heat and flames. Latest information on the severe weather that struck Italy on July 24 and July 25. Palermo, Sicily – credit: https://www.palermotoday.it/cronaca/incendio-inserra-ospedale-cervello.html Milan, Lombardia – credit: https://www.true-news.it/facts/nubifragio-milano-sala-il-vento-in-citta-ha-superato-i-100km In recent hours, two conflicting but equally destructive climatic events have […]
La Dolce Vita
A Time When Italian Influences Affected America’s taste for Glamour During the 1950s and ’60s, what America wore, what its citizens drove, and how they looked, was, in a large part, dictated by Italy’s trend setters, which included fashion designers, film directors and auto makers. If it originated in Italy, […]
3.3 million euros for the restoration of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice
Almost four years have gone since the damage wrought by the 2019 rising tide. Four days of fire for Venetians who experienced the tide surge over the limit of 140 cm four times in a single week: from September 12 to September 17. Instead, we may breathe a sigh of […]
Discovering Italian dogs: Mastino Napoletano
You know, a dog is a man’s best buddy. If you haven’t already, I recommend digging deeper into our collection of articles on the origins of Italian dogs. You can learn more about the Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog, the Lagotto Romagnolo, the Italian Bracco and the Maltese by clicking on the links […]
Discovering Italian dogs: Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese
You know, a dog is a man’s best buddy. If you haven’t already, I recommend digging deeper into our collection of articles on the origins of Italian dogs. You can learn more about the Italian Bracco, the Lagotto Romagnolo, the Neapolitan Mastiff and the Maltese by clicking on the links […]
Discovering Italian dogs: Bracco Italiano
Before reading a few peculiar facts about Bracco Italiano, I invited you to browse over the full collection that deals with the origins of Italian dogs! You can get to the Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog, the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Lagotto Romagnolo and the Maltese by clicking on the links! You know, a dog […]