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Night life: Italian places to visit in summer

Foto Davide D’Amico on flickr (flic.kr/p/sP537Y)


Romanticism, art, the sea, amazing food: these are only a bunch of the reason that, each year, bring people to choose Italy for their Summer vacations. If the country is universally known for its artistic appeal and for being a favored destination for couples in need of some loved-up time, Italy is also an amazing place if you love partying.


Needless to say, Rome, Milan, Turin and, in general, all larger cities home to a university campus (yes… bring students into a town and nightlife turns immediately more lively!) are year-round choices, where you could add some daylight sightseeing to your night shenhanigans.


You may be happy to know that, if you come to Italy during the Summer, there is even more going on once the sun sets than during the rest of the year.


First of all, longer, warmer evenings mean there are a lot of outdoor city events a bit everywhere in the country. Smaller towns and villages, especially those in the Alps and by the sea, become bustling hubs of activities: from local fairs and traditional events, to more youth-oriented music festivals, clubs and discos, there is something for everyone there, too.


Here is an overview of some of the places you may like to check out this Summer, especially if you have a penchant for good nightlife. As events are bound to change at a very short notice, we decided to give you general indications upon which you can base your research for the perfect spot and the perfect event. Have a good look and a great Summer!



Movida in Apulia

Puglia (or Apulia, as it is known in English) has become a popular tourist destination in the past decades, especially among younger people. The region has some of the most beautiful beaches in Italy: check out the Salento area if you are after dream-like white sand beaches and vibrant blue waters… hang on… we are talking about nightlife here. Well, Salento happens to be also one of the best areas of Puglia when it comes to having fun after dark. Gallipoli and Otranto are known for their liveliness and beauty. Lecce, the main city of the area, is also a beautiful place, well worth a visit.

If you are holidaying in Gargano, you should check out Vieste, a beautiful seaside town, full of resorts and with a buzzing nightlife.


Movida in Calabria

If you are seeking the perfect movida destination in Calabria, you should definitely hit the Costa degli Dei, home to some of the region’s best known seaside town like Tropea, Capo Vaticano and Scilla. Tropea is probably the most lively among the three.


Movida in Sardinia

Sardegna is renowned nationally and internationally for its beautiful sea and for being a favorite destination among the rich and the famous. If you are dreaming of spending the night elbow to elbow with some known face, look no further than Alghero, San Teodoro and Porto Cervo. Of course, if you really want to meet VIPs, you would need to choose carefully your spots and should be ready to fork out quite a bit of money, but fear not: there are plenty of clubs and bars for all tastes and pockets in this absolutely breathtaking part of Italy.


Movida in Veneto

If you want to combine sea and nightlife in the beautiful region of Veneto, look no further than Jesolo. Even though its sea may not be the bluest, the town is one of the best places in Veneto when it comes to nightlife. From discos to theme pubs and bars on the beach, Jesolo is a particulatly lively destination during the Spring and the Summer.


Movida in Emilia Romagna

Ah…. La Riviera Romagnola: let’s face it, if you are coming to Italy this Summer to enjoy the night, this is the place to choose, starting from its queen, Rimini, home to some of the most famous discos in the world.


Rimini is to Italy what Ibiza is to Spain, so if you are into that sort of geist, you should definitely try it out. Its beaches are also pretty lovely, so you could recharge your batteries lazing around on the sand during the day, before hitting the clubs once more. Riccione and Milano Marittima are also well known for their nightlife.


Here was our short intro to Summer nightlife in Italy. Of course, each region has its own perfect location, each town its lovely way to entertain the world after sunset so, if you have more suggestions, let us know on the Forum!


Edited and updated by Francesca Bezzone

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