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Italy's best hospital - Policlinico Gemelli

The Gemelli Polyclinic is Italy’s Best Hospital (Ranked 35th in the World)

For the fourth consecutive year, the most prestigious hospital in the capital confirms its position as the cornerstone of Italian healthcare: the Gemelli Polyclinic is Italy’s best hospital. Explicitly, this is according to a recent study developed by the American magazine Newsweek, based on the opinions of professional doctors, patient reviews, and various key indicators in the comprehensive assessment of the hospital structure.

14 Italian Hospitals Among the Top 250 in the World

Since 2019, the year of the first edition, more and more countries and hospitals have been added to the ranking to provide a more accurate outcome every year. The countries were selected based on factors such as population size, data availability, standard of living, life expectancy, and the number of hospitals.

For the fourth consecutive year, the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome is once again at the top of Italian healthcare, and this year it has reached the 35th position in the overall ranking (last year it was 38th).

Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is the best hospital in the world, according to Newsweek| Credit

Below, you can find the ranking of Italian hospitals (on a global scale):

  • Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome (35th) – Italy’s best Hospital
  • Niguarda Metropolitan Hospital in Milan (52nd)
  • IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital – San Donato Group in Milan (57th)
  • Humanitas Clinical Institute in Rozzano (65th)
  • Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic in Bologna (66th)
  • Integrated University Hospital Company in Verona (103rd)
  • San Matteo Polyclinic in Pavia (117th)
  • Padua Hospital Company (118th)
  • Pope Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo (135th)
  • Molinette Hospital – Città della Salute e della Scienza AOU in Turin (165th)
  • Careggi University Hospital Company in Florence (187th)
  • Spedali Civili Hospital Complex in Brescia (202nd)
  • Sant’Andrea University Hospital Company in Rome (211th)
  • IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova in Reggio Emilia (215th)

Gemelli Polyclinic is Affiliated with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

It is one of the largest hospitals in Italy and Europe, with more than 1600 beds and leading contributions in scientific research. Founded in 1964, it is, additionally, affiliated with the eponymous private Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, which dates back to 1921 on the intuition of the psychologist Agostino Gemelli.

Pope Giovanni Paolo II and the terrorist Mahmet Ali Agca
Pope Giovanni Paolo II and the terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca | Credit

It is famous for its involvement in criminal news during the assassination attempt on Pope Giovanni Paolo II by the Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Ağca. The pontiff’s frequent admissions to the polyclinic over the years led to the naming of the apartment on the tenth floor as the third Vatican. Today, for this reason, there is an imposing 5-meter-high marble statue of the pope in front of the hospital entrance. Specifically, installed in 2009, the statue depicts Giovanni Paolo II with a cross clasped. During his stays, he used to appear at the window of the tenth-floor apartment reserved for him to recite the Sunday Angelus and bless the faithful.

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