Create your own pilgrimage adventure! Increasing numbers of seekers are taking off on pilgrimage to quench a spiritual thirst. That is why James and Colleen Heater from Nevada City, California wrote The Pilgrim’s France and The Pilgrim’s Italy, as an answer to their own quest when searching for sacred sites […]
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Life in Italy, vivere in Italia. L’Italia è un paese bellissimo, e per certi versi un po’ difficile. NOTA: Questo e’ l’ unico articolo in Italiano sul sito. Non so come sia finito qui ( visto che e’ orribile ) ma andra’ senzaltro ri-scitto. NOTE: This is the only […]
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The Sweet Dew from Heaven: Green Tea
Did you know? Italy has green tea. And it has healing powers. “Its liquor is like the sweetest dew from Heaven,” said Lu Yu in the eighth century. In Chin, green tea has always been used as a medicine. And Italy is discovering its benefits. The secrets The secret of […]
Italian Culture Today
In this section of Life in Italy, you will find articles and information about Italian culture in today’s Italy. The many Italian gifts to mankind are not confined to museums and history books. Italians and Italian pop culture continue to shape the modern world. From cinema to fashion, motorsports to […]
Illegal Internet in Italy
Is Free Speech on the Internet Illegal in Italy? Internet censorship To put it mildly, Italian democracy is highly bureaucratic and perhaps the most recent example of this is the Italian view of freedom of speech and of the press. Laws passed decades ago are now bearing bitter fruit – […]
Race for the Cure® in Rome
I Ran the Race for the Cure® in Rome Race for the Cure I was living in Rome in 2002, the first year for the Komen Race for the Cure® in Italy. Having run the Race in Houston a few times, I was excited about participating abroad. I signed up […]
Italian Movies Reviews
This section will review sevaral Italian movies that will be available in the United States You can find the following Italian film titles in the US: I Soliti Ignoti – big deal on Madonna street : A classic Johnny Stecchino – Benigni Il Mostro – Benigni slapstick but funny La […]
Verona with Children II
Verona Tours and Itineraries – Verona with Kids II Verona Verona is a great city to visit when traveling in Italy and can be very enjoyable with kids as well. There are a lot of activities for families to experience together in Verona. You will be able to make […]