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Lapo Elkann

Gianni Agnelli with a young Lapo Elkann Lapo Elkann is the grandson of Giovanni Agnelli, l’Avvocato (The Attorney), the undisputed king of the Italian twentieth century jet set. To be an Agnelli is a difficult challenge, especially in a culture such as the Italian, where social status is still very […]


Flavio Briatore

<span><span>Flavio Briatore in 2008 ( wikipedia) Everybody tries, many fail, very few succeed. Flavio Briatore definitely falls in the latter category, his life an almost perfect depiction of Cinderella’s tale. A self made man, who started from nowhere and created a well recognized public position for himself, as well as […]

Cinema Italiano

Italian cinema between the World Wars

Scene from Thais Italy was the first country to create an avant-garde movement in film, Futurism. The Manifesto of Futurist cinema dates back to 1916 (though some experiments were occurring before then) and was signed by, among others, Filippo Marinetti, Armando Ginna, Bruno Corra, Giacomo Balla, and other notable members […]


Phrases In Italian

Frasi tipiche: Imparare una lingua in sostanza, significa imparare a risolvere in tempo reale i problemi che si affrontano durante la comunicazione. Così, usare le frasi corrette è una necessità. In questa sezione troverete il modo di imparare parole italiane, divertirvi e migliorare il vostro italiano. Imparerete una serie di […]

Italian Actors

Sandra Mondaini and Raimondo Vianello

Raimondo Vianello and Sandra Mondaini at their Wedding (Photo from Wikipedia) When iconic Italian actress and showgirl Sandra Mondaini died on September 21, 2010, at age 79, the majority of Italians were saddened, but not many were surprised. Seeing Mondaini at the funeral of husband Raimondo Vianello, dead at 87 just five […]



Italian Interior Decor The history of Italian decor borrows from traditions thousands of years old. While the ancient Romans spared no pains to make their interiors look aesthetic and comfortable, the nobility of the Middle Ages was not so far behind in its resplendence. This was followed by the refined […]

Cinema Italiano

The Muccino Brothers

The Muccino brothers: Gabriele (left) and Silvio (right) To many it may seem like the Golden Age of Italian cinema has passed, especially if the yardstick by which greatness is measured is participation in and relevance to international projects and markets. The time of actors like Sophia Loren and Marcello […]

Italian TV 1990s

Italian Television in the 1990s

In Italy, as in North America, the 1990s saw a huge jump in popularity for two types of programs: information shows and reality shows. In the 90s Mediaset launched their own newscasts and both RAI and Mediaset added socio-political talk shows and informational programming to their daily schedules with the […]