Let’s take a look at some of the most curious, famous and interesting sagre, festivals and events in Italy, some of which have hundreds of years of history.
Life & Style
Starbucks in Italy
Why is it difficult for Starbucks coffee shops to spread in Italy?
Italy Vs United States: Family and Social Structures
Family and social structures have changed a lot in Italy in the last 50 years, and the stereotype of the large Italian family is no longer true.
The best Italian convertible cars
The beautiful Italian convertible cars, from Fiat to Alfa Romeo.
Inefficiency and Italian bureaucracy
Long times and bad results: the inefficiency of Italian bureaucracy.
Palio dei Mussi in Terrossa
A donkey’s race in Verona’s countryside
Infiorata Bolsena
A special flowers event in Bolsena
During the Infiorata, flower petals are gathered and placed so as to form particular drawings, geometrical or not, and become scenery to processions and religious events
Is the Mediterranean diet in danger?
Why the Mediterranean diet is at risk in its countries of origin.
The History of Lamborghini, sexy and exclusive
Lamborghini, history of a sophisticated Italian car.