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Italian Future Tense

The Italian language has two future tenses – il Futuro Semplice and il Futuro Composto while English has only one future tense.




The simple future tense (il Futuro Semplice) in Italian is used to talk about future actions.

Stasera telefonero’ alla mia amica. Tonight I’ll call my friend.

Mio figlio fara’ l’esame domani. My son will take an exam tomorrow.

Stasera parlero’ con mia moglie. This evening I will talk with my wife.

The future tense is formed by adding endings to the verbs. There are two types of verbs, regular and irregular and they follow different patterns to form present tense.


Regular Verbs

All regular verbs drop final –e from the infinitive and add the endings -o’, -ai, a’, -emo, -ete, -anno. In regular verbs ending in –are the a of the infinitive changes to e.  ( Notare Studiare e Mangiare cambiano la a con la e mentre Partire rimane inalterato ).



to study


to eat


to leave

Io Studiero’ Mangero’ Partiro’
Tu Studierai Mangerai Partirai
Lui/Lei Studiera’ Mangera’ Partira’
Noi Studieremo Mangeremo Partiremo
Voi Studierete Mangerete Partirete
Loro Studieranno Mangeranno Partiranno


Verbs ending in -care and -gare add an h to the future tense stem after the c or g in order to retain the hard sound. For example: pubblicare (to publish) becomes Io pubblicherò. 

Verbs ending in -ciare and -giare drop the i from the ending (i.e. Mangiare (to eat), Io mangerò)


Irregular Verbs

There are twelve common verbs which follow irregular patterns in future tense. The most important irregular verbs are avere and essere because in addition to being frequently used in their own right, they are used as auxiliary verbs to form il Futuro Composto.



to have


to be


to come

to see

to go


to give

avrò sarò verro’ vedro’ andro’ daro’
avrai sarai verrai vedrai andrai darai
avrà sarà verra’ vedra’ andra’ dara’
avremo saremo verremo vedremo andremo daremo
avrete sarete verrete vedrete andrete darete
avranno saranno verranno vedranno andranno daranno

to do/to make


to know


to stay/to be







faro’ sapro’ staro’ potro’ dovro’ vorro’
farai saprai starai portrai dovrai vorrai
fara’ sapra’ stara’ potra’ dovra’ vorra’
faremo sapremo staremo potremmo dovremo vorremo
farete saprete starete potrete dovrete vorrete
faranno sapranno staranno potranno dovranno vorranno



This future tense describes two actions that will happened in the future, first one as if it were already happened and second one as if it will happened.

Quando sarai arrivato mi chiamerai. When you arrive call me.

Quando avro’ finito il colloquio andro’ a pranzo. When I finish an interview I will have lunch.


There is no equivalent of il futuro compost in English. As shown in the examples above, English uses present tense.

Il futuro composto is formed by two verbs, an auxiliary verb avere or essere in the future form and a past participle of a verb.


Esercizio :  Coniugare i verbi al futuro

  1. Tu ……………………………….. (diventare) molto bella.
  2. Gli studenti non …………………..……… (volere) studiare la lezione
  3. Loro non ………………………………. (essere) interessati
  4. Io ……………………………… (preferire) mangiare la pizza
  5. A me non ……………………………… (piacere)
  6. Giovanni ………………………..… (vestire ) in modo elegante
  7. Paolo ………………………..….. (andare) al concerto
  8. Noi……………………… (suonare) in un gruppo rock
  9. Noi ……………………..(cucinare) gli spaghetti al pomodoro
  10. Io ………………………(andare) a trovare Luigi


You can find the correct answers to the exercise here: Italian Past Tense.


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