Learning how to cook isn’t too difficult!
I noticed recently a bunch of cusine programmes on TV. At any hour of the day you can learn new recipes, new foods and above all master chef teach you how to cook. They are very popular and people love them, because they find challenging to cook delicious food.
As you know, Italian cousine is very apreciated around the world and everyone are curious about recipes and the popularity of delicious dishes has made known Italian dishes worldwide.
Cooking food at home is one of the best way to eat without ” breaking the bank”, although the most of the people can’t pull this off regularly. Too many people believe they don’t have the time and that’s the most common excuse anyway; but books ,internet or careful guidance show the whole picture of cooking quick and easy recipes.
I believe in the power of a good pantry. I always keep garlic, onions, celery, carrots and chicken or vegetable stock around. I feel lost without a basil plant on my kitchen window. I keep around various kinds of whole wheat pasta and tomatoes and this is a good starting point.Of course, if you don’t have all of the ingredients, you can adapt the recipe a little to work with the things you have. It should still taste fine.
Anyway learning some phrases and terms about it will help you to understand better.
Dialog in the kitchen
Mother = mamma
Daughter = figlia
D: Mamma, che cosa stai cucinando? = Mom, what are you cooking?
M: il tuo piatto preferito, la pizza= your favourite dish, pizza
D: grazie, mi insegneresti come si fa? = could you teach me how to do it?
M: prima di tutto prendiamo gli ingredienti = First of all, we get all the ingredients
2 e1/2 tazze di farina -2 ½ cups flour
1 tazza di acqua calda = 1 cup of warm water
1 pacchetto di lievito secco = 1 packet dry active yeast
2 cucchiaini di zucchero = 2 tbsp sugar
2 cucchiai di olio da mettere nella scodella = 2 tbsp olive oil plus more for the bowl
1 cucchiaino di sale = 1 tsp salt
Unire l’acqua, lievito e zucchero e mettere da parte in un luogo caldo fino a quando non comincia la schiuma (4-5 minuti). Nel frattempo, unire il sale e la farina in una ciotola. Lentamente fai colare nella miscela il lievito e aggiungi l’olio d’oliva. Mescolare fino a quando gli ingredienti si fondono in un impasto morbido. Sformare su una superficie infarinata e impastate (appiattimento e piegando la pasta più e più volte fino a che diventa elastico) circa 20 volte. Mettere da parte in una ciotola oliata, coperto con un canovaccio per 20-30 minuti o fino a quando pasta avrà raddoppiato di dimensioni.= Combine water, yeast and sugar and set aside in a warm place until it begins to foam (4-5 minutes). Meanwhile combine salt and flour in a bowl. Slowly stream in the yeast mixture and add the olive oil. Stir until the ingredients come together into a soft dough. Turn out on a floured surface and knead (flattening and folding the dough over and over until it becomes elastic) about 20 times. Set aside in an oiled bowl, covered with a dish towel for 20-30 minutes or until dough has doubled in size.
Dopo quello tu hai bisogno di: salsa di pomodoro, mozzarella e gli altri ingredienti da mettere sopra sono a scelta = After that you need: tomato sauce, cheese ( mozzarella) and toppings are optional
M: Preiscalda il forno = Preheat oven to 475 degrees F
M: Mettere in forno per 12-15 minuti o fino che la crosta è dorata = Bake for 12-15 minutes or until crust is golden
M: Taglia a fette e servi = Cut into wedges and serve
D: Then I’m throwing a party tonight! = Allora, darò una festa stasera!
Easy recipe
Carote caramellate = Caramalized carrots
Gr.500 circa carote = 1 lb. carrots
2-3 spicchi di aglio = 2 – 3 cloves garlic
15 ml.di burro = 1 Tbs. butter
2-3 cucchiai di zucchero di canna =2 – 3 Tbs. brown sugar
1 limone grattuggiato = 1 lemon, grated
ml 15 di sale = 1 tsp. Salt
qualche rametto di prezzemolo = A few sprigs of fresh
Lava e pela le carote = Wash and peel carrots.
Taglia le carote più grandi a metà = Cut bigger carrots in half.
Scalda il burro nella pentola = Heat the butter in the pan.
Aggiungi le carote lavate al burro = Add the washed carrots to the butter.
Sala il tutto = Salt it.
Schiaccia gli spicchi d’aglio sopra le carote = Press the garlic cloves over carrots.
Aggiungere approssimativamente una tazza d’acqua. = Add approx. 1 cup of water.
Spolverizza con lo zucchero di canna = Sprinkle with brown sugar.
Copri la pentola e cucina per 10min. Circa =Cover for the next 10 min.
Cucinare a fuoco lento, ma non troppo caldo = Simmer, but not too hot.
Dopo 10 minuti, spruzza sopra il limone gratuggiato = After 10 min., sprinkle with grated lemon peel.
Raffreddare finchè apparecchi = Chill until set.
Prima di servire, copri e spolverizza con il prezzemolo fresco. = Before you serve, cover with fresh parsley.
Per quelli che non sono vegetariani, avvolgi le carote con il prosciutto. = For non-vegetarians, wrap the carrots with prosciutto .
Ingredienti = ingredients
antipasto = appetizer, starter
cucinato al forno = An Italian term used to describe baked or roasted foods.
Cucinato al dente = An Italian term literally meaning “to the tooth”. Describing the degree of doneness for pastas and other foods where there is a firm center. Not overdone or too soft.
Aperitivo = aperitif – light alcoholic beverage served before a meal
bocconcino – piccola porzione = mouthful
bollire /lessare = to boil
al vapore = steamed
friggere = to fry
mescolare = to blend
caramelizzare = caramelize
bruciare = to burn
croccante, fresco = crisp
tagliare = to cut
decantare ( il vino) = to settle
distillazione = distillation
versare = to pour
tagliare a dadini = to dice
piccola quantità = dollop
sgocciolare ( la mozzarella) = to drip
condimento ( olio vergine, aceto balsamico) = dressing – extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegard
condimento per insalate = salad dressing
salsa di pomodoro = tomato souce
aromi = spices
aroma = flavouring
piccante = spice
gratinato = au gratin
raffreddare = to cool
riscaldare = to warm
congelare = deep- freeze
scongelare = to defrost
marinare = to marinade ( used to steep meat in a marinade for a certain length of time to tenderize and flavor the flesh.
Sciogliere = to melt
mescolare = to mix
mettere in salamoia = pickle
un pizzico = pinch
montare( la panna) = whip
montare a neve/sbattere le uova = (whip) egg whites
cucinare al forno = to bake
cucinare a fuoco lento = simmer
By Elisa Bressan