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Move to Italy

Expats In Italy

A Letter from Paolo Nascimbeni – Founder of Life In Italy

I moved to the US in 1987 to finish my studies in computer science in upstate NY in Ithaca. After graduation, in 1989, I moved to the Washington DC area. I go back to Italy five times a year and I constantly talk with Italians and Italian companies for my business. Even though I left Italy several years ago, I am up to date on the life styles in both countries. A disclaimer: since I was born in Italy, my views are somewhat biased toward Italy!

Expats Living in Italy

Below please find a series of articles written by expats living in Italy. In Italy as an Artist was written by Leanne from South Africa.  Growing Up in Italy (as an Indian) is a beautiful insight onto Italian living from the eye of a child, and a description of how the Italian way of life has shaped the author’s character.

In Italy as an Artist  | Growing up in Italy (as an Indian)

Below is a short story by Kristy about her visit to Italy:

I have been to many other countries in Europe, but Italy is by far the best. We flew to Fiumicino airport and one of my friends that lives there (native Italian) picked us up. If you ever have the chance to have a personal guide to Italy, take it, they know everything in and out, everything to see, and all of the cool underground stuff.

We had major jet lag, but we were in Italy! We went to a coffee shop immediately. I had a panini sandwich and wow it was the best thing I have ever had, along with a cappuccino, which was amazing. The server who made it for me, put a smiley face on it: that shows how friendly Italians are. I was never once treated with disrespect there. In total we spent two weeks in the country. We went to all the sites to see, clubs, and we also drove to the Amalfitan coast, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.

It is amazing how much Italy has to offer. The place I keep in my heart the most from that trip is Villa d’Este, in Tivoli: they have beautiful gardens, statues, and wonderful scenery. Oh! and girls the Italian men are the most gorgeous in the world! Go to clubs, or just walk down the street and there you will be sure to find hot Italian men. I am blonde and when I was there everyone kept saying how they liked my hair. It was different, but it was an experience. Public transports is pretty good and if you’re in a city, you can get everywhere with it: it’s cheap and goes everywhere. Overall, my trip to Italy was one of the best experiences I have ever had! Italy is beautiful, has the best food, most fun, and the hottest guys!

Did you really manage to park there?!

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