It happed in Bari, Puglia. The woman had been prisoner for one year This is the story of the kidnapping in Bari, as the news develops. How the kidnapping in Bari happened The young woman is only 21 and she is a native of Puglia’s city. She told police officers […]
Author: Gaia Zol
The most popular Italian game shows
Discover the two most popular Italian game shows.
Italy and recycling, an European record
Indeed, Italy is an eco-friendly country.
Italy, where have all the kids gone?
Italian couples have less and less kids. Instead, more and more families decide that two is enough. To them, their partner is their family. And they don’t need or want anyone else
Venice 1600, the city and its anniversary
The city and its celebrations.
The LGBTQ community in Italy, history and facts
Legally, the road is long and windy. So, where does Italy stand? First, the Italian term, which is LGBTI. Same meaning, but with a different spelling. Now that the definition is clear, let’s see if the law is as clear. Here’s what the LGBTQ in Italy means. The law’s perspective […]
Three Italian shows on Netflix you can’t miss
Three shows, tons of episodes, and true stories you can’t miss.
Watch: Elisa sings for Syria and Save the Children
The Italian singer helps Save the Children with her music.
Ferrari, ready for the 2021 F1 Grand Prix?
Ferrari F1 2021. The car, the tests, and the team.
Italian Reality TV, 3 must watch shows
Have you ever heard of these shows?