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Italian tifosi

Italian tifosi   Never ask about football to an Italian, or he will go on boasting about his favourite football team for hours.La tifoseria Italiana , Italian football supporters, are numerous and at times, a bit too fanatic, indeed. Tifosi sometimes forget what rationality is and their excesses have lead […]


Summer on the Riviera Romagnola

Summer on the Riviera Romagnola: Italians paint the town pink “Let’s paint the town red” is a famous English way to say “let’s go out and have fun”: similarly,  the Riviera Romagnola paints itself pink during the summer to celebrate the Capodanno d’Estate, the summer version of New Year’s Eve. […]


Outlet Stores in Italy

If you’re looking for a bargain during your Italian vacation, outlet stores are a great option.  Figure out what exactly you’re looking for, and then ask around. There is bound to be something nearby! Outlet Stores for Clothes and Accessories In time of crisis people try to save their money […]

Move to Italy

Moving from the UK to Italy – Part 6

  By mid September, we were settling into the house, the children were attending school and we were actively searching for work. We had days that were very positive, when we’d been pro-active in delivering the translated CV’s to various workplaces and the children were making friends and going out after […]

Move to Italy

Building A Life In Italy

Success on building a life in Italy really depends on your own particular situation and amount of input from yourself to strive towards achieving your own personal goal.  People move to Italy from ‘all walks of life’.  Many have an Italian spouse with a good knowledge of the language and […]


Young Italians and alcohol, dangerous love

Italian newspapers have reported two cases of young people, aged 14 and 15 years old, that required medical assistance after falling in an alcoholic coma. Unfortunately, these are not isolated cases. A recent report released by the Italian institute for statistics, ISTAT, painted a dire picture of the situation. The majority […]

Italy with Kids

Italy with Kids

If you are planning a visit to Italy with a baby, or young children, but are possibly feeling a little concerned about eating out in Italian restaurants, now is the time to take a deep breath, relax and cross this off your ‘worry list’! On reading the previous section, Visiting Italy […]