The Italian Formula One racetrack.
Author: Gaia Zol
The latest Barbie Role Model is an Italian athlete
An inspiration to every little girl: it’s Baldassarri.
Natalie Portman to star in an adaptation of Ferrante’s bestseller
What we know so far.
Gay in Italy, the story of Malika
Her fault? Being herself.
Positive and inspiring news from Italy, a collection of images
A collection of good news to makeyou smile today.
Walter Biot, the Italian spy
The story of Walter Biot.
Legalization of marijuana. Where does Italy stand?
The regulations and precautions.
Gay Italian couples can now adopt abroad
What the Italian laws say on adoption.
Sniffer dogs for Covid, the Italian research
The international and Italian research.
What’s going on in Italy? The latest news for the LGBTQ community.
The good, the bad, and the fight for equality.