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Author: Elisa Del Franco


Ordering Pizza

I think pizza is the most popular dish around the world. Most people think pizza has Italian origins and this is mostly true, but the dish may have some very ancient roots, indeed. The Persians were probably the first to put vegetables on large slices of bread and it appears they […]


Dating conversation

  During a date it is sometimes difficult to start a conversation, as it may require more confidence than usual: if you are out on the town together, it means you probably like each other already, but a good chat may help to get to know each other better.   Generally […]


Italian Exercise: Find the Missing Word

Below you’ll find a popular Italian song: “Strani Amori“, by Laura Pausini.The last word of every line of the song is missing. Find the right word with the help of the English translation of the song. Answers and video are at the end of the article. Have fun! Mi dispiace devo […]