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adverbs in italian

Adverbs in Italian Grammar

The adverb is a part of a speech that doesn’t change (invariable).
The adverb modifies the meaning of an other word (generally a verb).
Normally the adverb stays after the verb or before an adjective.



Maria mangia molto.( In this case the adverb comes after the verb)
Maria è molto bella.  ( In this case the adverb comes before the adjective)

In English, adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix -ly to adjectives: slowly, softly, surely. Adverbs often answer the question: come? (how?), quando? (when?), or dove? (where?)

In Italian, many adverbs are formed by adding the ending -mente (which corresponds to the suffix -ly) to the feminine form of the adjective:

Adjective           Adverb

– Felice(happy)    Felicemente (happily)     I’m happily married.
– Lento ( slow)    Lentamente   ( slowly)     I spoke slowly.
– Certo(sure)       Sicuramente  ( surely)     The results are surely encouraging.

In Italian there are different kinds of adverbs in relation to their function:

–         Time: it indicates where the action is developed: Maria vive ancora con suo marito.
–         Adverbs of time are: ora, adesso, sempre, allora, spesso, ancora, prima, dopo, durante.
–         Place: it indicates the quantity of an action: A Natale vado lassù in collina.
–         Adverbs of place are: quassù, qui, qua, laggiù, lassù.
–         Manner: it indicates how the action is developed: Maria ha pulito accuratamente la sua casa.
–         Adverbs of manner: usually these adverbs are a transformation of qualifying adjectives or others are original words:così, male, bene,apposta.
–         Quantity: it indicates the quantity of an action: Maria ha cucinato parecchio ieri sera.
–         Adverbs of quantity are: nulla, poco, niente,parecchio, assai, tanto, molto.
–         Affirmation, negation or doubt: Forse  Maria parte domani.
–         Adverbs of aff.neg.or doubt are: probabilmente, forse,neanche, nemmeno, per nulla, davvero, veramente, esattamente.
–         Interrogative: Perché loro si annoiano?

In this case  the interrogative adverbs are: come, quando,come, dove, quanto.

Exercise A: change the following adjective into adverbs:


Answer: lentamente, sicuramente, praticamente, solitamente, stancamente, logicamente, chiaramente, amichevolmente, malamente.

( ma l’utente non vede le risposte, le metti tu nascoste).

Exercise B: choose the correct option (fai la scelta giusta):

1)      …….andrò al mare.

° domani
° ieri
° prima

2)      Ceneremo ……….di andare al cinema.

° dopo
° prima
° ieri

3)      ……….ho compiuto 15 anni.

° domani
° oggi
° Fra un giorno

4)………..sono partito per Londra.
° domani
° fra una settimana

5)      Sono andato ad Aspen in vacanza…….

° oggi
° stanotte
°l’anno scorso


1) domani
2) prima
3) oggi
4) ieri
5) l’anno scorso

By Elisa Bressan

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