Italian Newspaper, Italian Daily News, Quotidiani
Year: 2020
Car model: the Fiat 600
Find out more about this model.
Ferrari: a racing myth
The myth, the legend.
“Smart working:” Italy can’t get her head around it
2020 brought about many new habits, but Italy just seems to have some problems with one of them, smart working. Also known as “working from home,” and a fairly normal occurrence in many a country, especially in some sectors and among the younger generations, smart working is something Italians just […]
Gondolas: Venice in Black
Gondolas, one of the symbols of Venice, have not always been black. History of how the gondolas changed with the passing of time.
…Italian nonne doing what?!
Let’s be honest, we all love Italian nonne. Whether you actually have one or you’d simply enjoy how iconic they are in Italian and Italian-American culture, grandparents are a real treasure. Let’s talk about Italian grandmother now! As many of our most faithful readers may know — I tend to […]
Inspiration, in these pictures, lies in the landscape. Inspiration, in this pictures, is in the land. Sicily, which is backdrop to the happiness of all these couples, just can’t quite stay in the background.
Motorcycle Touring in Italy
Driving a motorcycle is probably the best way to tour Italy.
The best marinas in Italy
Why, you may wonder, we write about the best marinas in Italy? Well, sailing has become a bit of a hot trend in recent years and, let’s be honest, after the pandemic and the dangers related to our old way of traveling, it may be among the safest options to […]