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Schools in Italy

Move to Italy, Schools

School System in Italy

Have you ever wondered how the Italian school system works? We in Italy tend to despise it and if there is a certain truth behind the critique, especially when it comes to the way people are hired and the rampant instability of education jobs in the country, it is also […]

Move to Italy, Schools

Italian Schools

Schools and Universities, Students from around the World Italy is known for their Italian language, art and fashion schools. There are millions of students who come to study abroad at one of Italy’s well-known schools and universities. There are schools all over Italy, but the most popular spots are in […]

Move to Italy, Schools

Universities in Italy

See also University Structure Italian universities, the names and (web) addresses This is the list of all Italian universities in each region. Inside there are the names, addresses, phone numbers and website of each university. Piemonte Università degli studi di Torino, via Verdi 8,10124 Torino, tel 011-6706111, web www.unito.it Politecnico […]


University structure in Italy

Studying in Italy Although Italy boasts some of the oldest universities in Europe [the University of Padova is one of the oldest in the world, and the third oldest in Italy (founded 1222), after the University of Bologna (1088) and University of Salerno (1173)], it is only in recent history […]

Potpourri, Schools

Children Education in Reggio

Infant and Children Educational Schools The Epochal Reggio Emilia Program The epochal Reggio Emilia program for children up to the age of 5 is one of the most exciting developments in the world of education in our age. It may be seen as an extension of the enquiring and liberal […]