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Nonna, Recipes, Vegetables

Eggplant Relish: Melanzane

A smorgasbord of beneficial ingredients Garlic was grandma’s favorite herb. Her eggplant relish is a veritable smorgasbord of beneficial ingredients which, of course, includes garlic. Everyone knows about garlic’s pungent flavor, and is well aware of this bulbous perennial’s reputation. But to grandma, the garlic was irreplaceable. A relative of […]

melanzane al funghetto
Recipes, Vegetables

Venetian Melanzane Funghetto

“When you cook slices of eggplant that are mostly skin,” Francesco explains, “they come out looking like sauteed mushrooms, which is why this dish is called eggplant mushrooms.” Melanzane al funghetto 1 large eggplant (aubergine) 1/4 cup (60 ml) extra virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic Salt to taste Hot […]

Recipes, Vegetables

Venetian Mustard Potatoes

Francesco calls these sour potatoes – in Venetian, patate all’agro. Something is lost in translation. In the Veneto the notion of a “sour” flavor has none of the negative connotations that it does in English. In fact, it implies a taste that is lively, appealing, and appetite-whetting. These “sour potatoes,” […]

mashed potatoes
Recipes, Vegetables

Venetian Mashed Parmesan Potatoes

These mashed potatoes are a simple, luxurious indulgence. They are rich enough to enjoy in small portions. There are lessons to be learned in the care with which Francesco selects and handles ingredients, including the everyday potato. His scrutiny of raw materials is typically Venetian. Shoppers in the Rialto market […]

Recipes, Vegetables

Venetian Peperonata

“In Venice they don’t bother to peel the peppers or wash the mushrooms,” Francesco remarks as he starts to discuss this savory peperonata, a vegetable melange that can double as a sauce for pasta, an accompaniment for fish, or a topping for polenta. But oddly enough, at the same time, […]

Recipes, Vegetables

Venetian Zucchini in Umido

With fresh, flavorful ingredients, the simplest preparations, like this one for stewed zucchini, become irresistibly delectable. Francesco prepared an enormous quantity of this dish for a big outdoor buffet at his cousin’s house in Mestre. It was a perfect foil for grilled squid and smoky chunks of grilled baby monkfish […]

roasted peppers
Recipes, Vegetables

Roasted peppers

Roasted pepper could also be served as an appetizer. Roasted Peppers 10 bell peppers salt to taste 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil The first part of this recipe can get your kitchen a bit messed up, but not more than so. Start with the bell peppers (peperoni). Select some […]