Author: Francesca Bezzone

italian civil weddings

Civil Weddings

Civil ceremonies celebrated in Italy are legally recognized everywhere else in the world, US included. They usually take place in Town Halls, but there is a certain freedom to choose whichever location you set your eyes upon, provided it has been recognized by Italian civil authorities as apt for the scope. […]

monte bianco
Cakes, Recipes

Monte Bianco

Monte Bianco, also known as Mont Blanc, is an autumnal dessert typical of Northern Italy. Very likely, it originated in France, but became popular in north western Italy, too, especially in Piedmont and Lombardy. There are different types of Monte Bianco: one – the one we are presenting here – is a […]

brioche col tuppo
Cakes, Recipes

La Brioche col Tuppo

Is there anything better than a bowl of gelato on a hot Summer day? Yes, there is gelato with a lovely Brioche col Tuppo. Learn how to make this delicious Italian brioche recipe! The traditional Brioche is filled with chocolate, pistachio cream, or our favorite, the crema pasticcera which we’ve […]

chestnut bread

Chestnut pane Martino

Chestnuts are such a symbol of the Fall that even the sight of them conjures thoughts of crisp evenings, warm blankets and colorful trees. But chestnuts are much more than that. It may no longer be true today, but for centuries chestnuts have given substainance to hundreds of thousands of […]