Navigating Italian daily news sources can be tricky. It’s already difficult for Italians! As it happens everywhere, the majority of newspapers or websites pick a side. They report the news with a political twist. Being neutral is not in their description.
Here, you’ll find a list of Italy’s most popular online newspapers and their affiliation:
- Avvenire : Catholic Newspaper
- Corriere della Sera : Center/ center-right
- Corriere dello Sport : Sport News
- Gazzetta dello Sport : Sport News
- Il Giornale : right/center right
- Il Fatto Quotidiano : moderate
- Il Giorno: center- right
- Il Manifesto : left wing
- Il Mattino: moderate
- Il Messaggero : center / center Left
- Il Resto del Carlino: right wing
- Il Secolo XIX : moderate ( Quotidiano di Genova )
- Il Sole 24 Ore : Financial News
- Il Tempo : Center right
- Il Tirreno: left/center left

- Italia Oggi: right/center-right
- L’ Arena: moderate
- L’ Eco di Bergamo: moderate
- L’ Unita’ : Left wing
- Il Gazzettino: right/ center right
- Il Messaggero Center Left
- Il Secolo D’ Italia: right wing
- La Nazione: right/ center right
- La Nuova Sardegna: left/center left
- La Repubblica : Center left
- La Stampa : moderate
- LIBERO: right/ center right
- L’Unione Sarda: right/center right
These are only a few of the options out there, in Italy. New titles appear and old ones disappear. We’ve started our own news section, find out more here!