Weather and events in Italy in June.
Weather in Italy
Italy in May
The month of May is full of events in Italy
Italy in April
April in Italy can be quite an experience. In April, Spring is already in full swing throughout the country – or at least in most parts of it – and the landscape becomes a beautiful riot of colors. In Italy, tourist season picks up in April. However, it is just at […]
Italy in March
Italy in March
Italy in December
December is the month of Christmas, one of the most important festivities in Italy. But there are many other events taking place this month.
Hot Emergency: All Alpine glaciers over 0 degrees Celsius
The burning summer of 2023 is about to become a distant memory, but the scorching temperatures do not appear to be abating. This is the present scenario in Italy, with another hot emergency affecting the country’s northern regions. What is going on? All alpine glaciers are above zero at all […]
Storm Patricia brings snow back to the Marmolada in August
We return to discuss the bizarre weather that has plagued Italy recently and shows no signs of abating. The latest news is the return of snow on the Marmolada, despite the fact that the month of July has left us with memories far from those of a regular winter month’s […]
3.3 million euros for the restoration of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice
Almost four years have gone since the damage wrought by the 2019 rising tide. Four days of fire for Venetians who experienced the tide surge over the limit of 140 cm four times in a single week: from September 12 to September 17. Instead, we may breathe a sigh of […]
I giorni della Merla
The last 3 days of January (from the 29th to the 31st) are traditionally called “I Giorni della Merla” (Blackbird’s Days) and are considered the coldest days of the year. This is actually just a legend, because these three days usually are the chilliest of the year only once every 25 […]
Average Temperature in Italy
An overview of the average temperatures and precipitations in the North, Centre and South of Italy; this might help you plan your vacation.