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Tours in Italy

tour sicily

Palermo, Sicily: Itineraries

Visiting Palermo, one of Italy’s most beautiful cities in Italy Sicily is said to be one of the places in Italy where “life is lived in the moment”, and this couldn’t be more true. There is an overwhelming amount of artistic excellence that fills the streets of Sicily. With its incredible […]

venice tours

More Tours of Venice

Venice is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is a combination of 118 small islands in northern Italy. Tradition has it that fishermen settled on the islands centuries ago and eventually it was used by the Italian military. Venice is full of history and definitely […]


Jewish Tours in Italy (Rome)

Though Jews first came to Rome from Jerusalem in 161 BC, many people are not aware of their enduring history in Italy. They arrived during Chanukah, asking the Romans for protection from the Syrian king Antiochus, and have been an integral part of Roman society ever since. They are neither […]

Milan, Tours

Milan Tours & Itineraries

Tours of Lombardy Duomo of Milan Although almost all of Italy has breath-taking landscapes, Lombardy, (or Lombardia), is said to have one of Italy’s most varied landscapes. It’s diverse and incredible hill towns and lakeside resorts are interconnected through the powerful slopes, vineyards and crop fields. The number one element […]