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Italy Tourism


Italian National Parks III

Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio The largest of the historical Italian national parks and of the entire Alps Mountain Chain. It starts in the heart of the Central Alps, including the valleys, forged by ice, and water erosion, coming from the Ortles-Cavedale mountains chains. The landscape is formed by evergreen forests, […]

Abruzzo, Activities

Majella National Park

In Abruzzo, Italy you will find the Majella National Park. The imposing mountain group is known to the locals as the Montagna Madre (Mother Mountain), and which was called by Pliny the Elder the Padre dei Monti (Mountains’ Father). Along with the Porrara, the Morrone and the Monte Pizzi, the Majella Massif makes up the Majella National Park, […]


Italian National Parks I

National Parks are natural areas protected to preserve  wild nature for posterity and to safeguard their ecosystem. In Italy there are 24 Natural Parks and they cover about 5% of the national territory.   Parco Nazionale dell’Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise   Map of the National Park of Abruzzo   The most famous national park […]


Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park

  The area covered by Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park is home to glorious natural landscapes and rare flora and fauna, which the park was instituted to protect. Located in the beautiful region of the South Eastern Alps the park includes imposing mountains like Mount Serva and Vette di Feltre, as […]


Bagni di Lucca Thermal Baths

Bagni di Lucca: the name of the town has been so since 1862. Before then the town was called Bagno a Corsena, the name by which it had been known since the Roman times. The Countess Matilda of Tuscany in 1101 had the Devil’s bridge built in town so that […]