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Marmolada - snow in August
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Storm Patricia brings snow back to the Marmolada in August

We return to discuss the bizarre weather that has plagued Italy recently and shows no signs of abating. The latest news is the return of snow on the Marmolada, despite the fact that the month of July has left us with memories far from those of a regular winter month’s cold and frost.

Surprisingly, the storm Patricia, as it is known, has caused a 10-degree drop in temperature. As a result, vacationers who wished to spend the summer in the mountains had to plan ahead of time for their skiing vacation. Recent dance climate initiatives have delighted the management of Marmolada shelters.

In the same way, if you want to learn more about the Dolomites and tourism in this beautiful Italian region, go here!

Obviously, Social media was quick to respond, circulating photographs of snowmen holding placards that said “Merry Christmas”.

Carlo Budel, the owner of the Capanna Punta Penia refuge, located at 3400 meters above sea level, made light of the situation by greeting all his friends a Merry Christmas in a video posted on social media, recalling the unusual temperature of -6.

August snow on the top of the Marmolada

The weather situation

“After days spent in the fog and low clouds, snow has returned to Punta Penia,” revealed Flavio Tolin, a correspondent for marmoladameteo.it. Between the night of Friday, August 4, and this morning, temperatures dropped for the first time and did not rise over 4 degrees. Then, beginning in the afternoon, thunderstorms at an elevation of 3343 meters brought snow instantly, owing to the overturning of cold air from above inside the cumulonimbi and the cold north-western flow.” (translated)

The cold front that disrupted the front dropped temperatures down by roughly 10 degrees on the plain. The temperature in the cities this morning was between 15 and 17 degrees. Thunderstorms with no hail, if not in isolated cases, and torrential rains have hit the entire region, with accumulations of up to 50–60 millimeters in the Rhodian (Rodigino in Italian – referred to as Rovigo) and southern parts.

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