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Italian TV has just as much potential as the movies. In this Life in Italy archive, you can find out more.

Cambio TV 2020, chi dovrà farlo e perché

You can find out all the latest shows, both on TV and on Netflix. And the protagonists, aka the people shaping the history of the country’s television. It’s the past of Carosello and the present of reality shows.

In this category of our website, you can read more about shows that have made history. Or shows that have failed. It’s the latest news as well as things worth seeing.

We are sharing videos, episodes, and useful links. Indeed, you can watch Italian TV. All you need is a bag of popcorns to enjoy the show.


Italian Television in the 1980s

  Italian Tv 80s, Has Kidankel,Greggio,D’Angelo History of Italian Television the 80s Italian Tv 80s, Has Kidankel,Greggio,D’Angelo The 1980s is the decade of the private broadcaster in Italian television, a development that saw an explosion in the number of programs available to viewers. Never before had Italians had so much […]


Pippo Baudo

From Left: Baudo, Bongiorno, Corrado, Tortora Pippo Baudo is one of the best known figures on Italian television.   The Early Years Baudo was always interested in show business and as a boy tried his hand in theater. Pippo gained a small amount of fame as a piano player and […]


Maria De Filippi

  American TV has personalities like Oprah and Barbara Walters, women who have become household names while ruling the airwaves. One of the Italian equivalents would be Maria De Filippi –blonde, long-limbed and husky voiced, she is one of the indisputable queens of Italian TV. Perhaps not as refined and traditionally sexy as compatriots […]


American tv series in Italy

American tv series that became iconic in Italy The first time I’ve visited the US, I found everything so new, yet utterly familiar at the same time. You see, as pretty much everyone of my generation, I grew up watching american tv shows on the telly. Rigorously dubbed into Italian, […]


Maurizio Costanzo

Maurizio Costanzo. Ph. Birillo253 on wikimedia   Maurizio Costanzo is one of the most well-known people in Italy, a legend of Italian television. While his profile has declined in recent years, the presence of his wife Maria De Filippi has only increased. Here we’ll take a closer look at Costanzo, […]


Daria Bignardi

Daria Bignardi (photo from Wikipedia) What strikes the most about Daria Bignardi are her versatility and her incredibly young looks, despite the fact that she has been on Italian television for over two decades. She was able to move from hosting the number one edition of Big Brother to become […]


Veline, Letterine, Showgirls

Veline, Letterine and other sexy Showgirls Two Veline at Striscia la Notizia: Federica Nargi and Costanza Caracciolo   Historically, the term “velina” referred to the press releases sent by the Ministry of Culture to newspapers in Fascist Italy. These releases reported facts, and most often the government’s interpretation of facts, to the […]

Italian-movies, TV

Famous Italian American TV Personalities

  When talking about TV personalities, can you forget Jay Leno, or Jimmy Kimmel? Well, aside from the fact that they are witty, spontaneous, and smart, there is another thread which binds them: they have an Italian heritage. Yes, while names like Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel don’t sound particularly Italian,they […]