Author: Francesca Bezzone

activities in small towns in italy

Activities in small Towns II

In Activities in Small Town I we explored the world of Italian sagre and food fairs, a great alternative to spend fun and interesting Summer evenings while holidaying in Italy. In this second part of our trip through traditional and authentic Italian Summer activities, we’ll take a closer look at other […]

italian music 70s

Italian music, exploring the 70s

Renato Zero and Loredana Berté, protagonists of  the Italian music panorama of the 1970s (GdT/wikimedia) The 1970s were not an easy period in Italian history. They are known as the Anni di Piombo, the lead years. Historians consider this the decade of the factual civil war, between the establishment and terrorists. Hence, […]

itineraries of the great war

Itineraries of the Great War

An Important Anniversary   2015 marks the hundreth anniversary of Italy’s entry in the First World War.    Time has passed. None of those who fought what has been defined the first modern warfare conflict on a worldwide scale is still of this earth. They no longer can turn, with their words […]

catholic weddings

Catholic Weddings in Italy

Catholic wedding ceremonies are legally recognized in Italy, which means you won’t need to worry about a civil ceremony.  Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of documents and specifications you need to take care of to marry with the Catholic rite. As already mentioned when discussing Protestant and other non-Catholic religious […]

wedding bells

Wedding Bells in Italy

Organizing a wedding can be a major headache. In Italy – as anywhere else in the world, really – it is still a bride’s task, with the convenient help of family and friends, who usually give a hand and provide much needed support. It is true, however, that the past bunch […]

italian castles for sale
Real Estate

Italian castles for sale

Finding historical buildings for sale and buying real estate in Italy is a dream for many: from beautiful apartments in the historical centre of the country’s most famous cities, to charming little houses in characteristic rural towns and large, painting-like farms, Italy offers something for all tastes. Some, however, may […]