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Fire traffic in Italy: the weekend starts with a red stamp

August is quickly approaching, and Anas‘ study predicts heavy traffic in Italy for everyone who intends to drive starting next weekend and lasting the entire month of August.

The recent searing heat does not appear to have intimidated the Italians. Over 20 million Italians have planned to take a vacation in August, a 25% increase over July. Favorite vacation spots? Any location is suitable for seeking peace and quiet. From the mountains to the opportunity to run along the beach at sunset, our lovely Italians have no reservations.

Itineraries with the reddest stamps

If you plan a journey to the lovely nation, ensure you are well-informed about the weather and road conditions. The Anas has ordered a 65% reduction in road yards pairs along the motorways to reduce traffic delays caused by road narrowing. The Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, and Ionian ridges, as expected, are the most affected by the Italian migration, as are border crossings with Slovenia, Croatia, and, most notably, France. From Sunday, July 30, a consistent flow of traffic near urban centers of greater appeal is forecast for many of the returns of travelers in Italy.

More precisely, traffic might have a substantially greater impact on the following arterial lines:

  • Jonica State Road 106
  • State Road 18 Tirrena Inferiore
  • A19 (Palermo to Catania)
  • A29 (Palermo-Mazara del Vallo)
  • State Road 131 Carlo Felice in Sardinia
  • State Road 148 Pontina in Lazio

In addition to the major roads (SS) for tourist sites such as:

  • SS1 Aurelia
  • SS16 Adriatica
  • SS36 Lake Como and Spluga
  • SS45 di Val trebbia
  • SS26 Aosta Valley
  • SS309 Romea
  • SS51 di Alemagna

Summer tourism is a driving force in the Italian economy, and these figures are hardly surprising! So pay close attention during your trip, and above all, stay updated on road conditions in advance to save time and stress! I just wanted to wish you a happy summer!

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