How to find long term rental houses and apartments in Italy
Move to Italy
Info About Moving to Italy, Life In Italy.
Houses at one euro for sale in Italy: what are you waiting for?
Would you be happy to pay 1 euro for a house in Italy? It’s a dream for many, mostly the youngster who find it difficult to buy a house. It’s a dream that can come true thanx to the initiative of some Italian “comuni”, municipalities, that want to combat the desertion […]
Get Money to Move to Locana
The Alpine village where you get money to move. Locana: a small comune in the region of Piedmont is the last in a relatively long series of Italian villages and towns offering money to people for settling in. In other words, it’s town paying you to move there.
Italian Life in a Small Town
Some like cities, some like the country. Check out how life in an Italian small town can be.
Moving to Italy
Items and furniture you can bring with you Moving to Italy and Accommodations In Italy, finding an unfurnished apartment in major towns and cities can be quite difficult. In Rome, you will hardly ever find an unfurnished apartment for rent. This is due to Italian laws that make it harder […]
Dwellings in Italy
Italy is well known for its monuments and architecture: a huge chunk of those visiting the country each year do so to enjoy the unique and amazing cohabitation of styles that is typical of our cities and towns: Medieval, Romanic, Gothic, Baroque, just to mention some, grace the streets and alleys […]
Times New Roman
Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. John Updike I was on vacation with my mother in Florence, Italy in 1997 when she suggested we hop on a city bus, “…just to see where it takes us.” That fortuitous moment […]
Living in Milan
It only took me a week to realize the trackies belonged back in the suitcase, and I shouldn’t have even brought the sandals. The hoody could be kept at a pinch, but only for around home. It’s an unwritten dress code, but one that I felt obliged to adhere […]
Moving to Italy to follow my husband
My sister and I in Venice. My husband is in the Army. Almost one year ago (2013) he told me that we were moving to Vicenza, Italy; it seemed so unbelievable to me that we were actually that lucky! We were given the choice of living in Government house or private. We […]
Are you ready to move to Italy?
Moving to Italy : Rome. Ph. Maria Artigas on flickr ( Here are some tips on how to make it easier to start a new life in Italy. Moving to Italy is a thrilling opportunity, but also one that requires courage and dedication. Thinking life will be one long […]