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Italy with Kids

Visiting Italy with Toddlers

Kids in Italy For those of you who are parents longing to visit Italy with your young ones, I hope that this particular section ‘Italy With Kids’ will give you the encouragement to stop worrying and give you the confidence to visit a beautiful land with your children. It should […]



Not Just Soccer Fans Italians don’t live exclusively for soccer. It’s more of a 360 degrees love for sports in general and even though soccer’s victories remain the highest in the hit parade of our national desires, there is a good number of sports that still represent a traditional importance […]

Travel Diary

Travel Diaries

Win a Deruta hand painted Pitcher Did you go to Italy as a tourist, student, or for work? Share your experiences with the Italiophile community of Life In Italy! Who can write a travel diary? Anyone who visited Italy and has a story to share. We are looking for people […]

Travel Diary

Venice Travel Diary

Venetian Dreams Venice is a city suffused with light and beauty. To say it is lovely is like saying St Peter’s is a church, or Siena a walled city. It isn’t untrue, it just isn’t saying nearly enough. Canals that widen and narrow as they twist, their currents unknown by […]



Gossip: Miss Italy ( Ansa ) Gossip, who doesn’t love it. Even the most hardcore eschewers of silly talk can’t resist the curiosity and take a peek at the headlines about the latest scandal. And in Italy there’s plenty of scandals. ( Please check also the related Category  Italian Celebrities […]


Heroes & Villains

Italian Luminaries – Heroes & Villains Sometimes, the paintbrush of history colors individuals who’ve helped shape her too strongly. Historic figures in Italy are either seen as heroes or villains. Very rarely, they are depicted in moderate tones, at least by those who write history for the popular public. Italy […]

italian heritage

Italian Heritage

O SOLE MIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO …. STA ‘NFRONTE A TTEEEEE’……………. Italians emigrants During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, thousands and thousands of Italians (mostly from the south) left their homeland to find a better life across the sea in the Americas. Many found their way to the ports of New […]


Marco Travaglio

Marco Travaglio is one of the most controversial journalists in Italy, known for a brash, know-it-all style as well as his staunch position against the government. Travaglio, joined by colleague Michele Santoro, has also gained a reputation as someone in the media who cashes in on others’ suffering. Marco started […]


Roberto Saviano

Roberto Saviano with his book Gomorrha Roberto Saviano is probably one of the most discussed Italian writers since Umberto Eco and his Il Nome della Rosa. His book, Gomorra, published in 2006, has created much controversy, and is a very strong stand against the camorra — a mafia-like criminal organization operating […]