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The cathedral of Santa Croce, Florence, reopens to visitors

After over one year of restrictions and closures due to the pandemic, Italy is hopeful.

The church and complex of Santa Croce is back in business. It’s finally ready to restart after the pandemic shut down Italy.

Santa Croce in Florence, the details for travelers

If you are planning a visit to the Tuscan city, you can’t miss this landmark. Here’s how the reopening phase works:

  • The official date is May, 12th, 2021
  • It will be open six days of the week, but not on Tuesday
  • The opening times are from 11am to 5pm during the week and on Saturday
  • On Sunday, the site is open from 1pm to 5pm
  • From Friday to Sunday, at 3pm, visitors can join the guided tours of Dante’s city
  • The booking is mandatory for the weekend and you can do it online at the Santa Croce in Florence website

Furthermore, travelers can download the official app that can serve both as a guide and as a source for updates. When you visit, make sure to spend some time at the cloister, a secluded yard filled with peace.

About the cathedral

This is the largest Franciscan church in the world, established in 1228. However, the church that you visit nowadays dates back to 1294, when the Franciscans had to enlarge it. Architect Arnolfo di Cambio followed the project, which was completed in 1310.

During the 16th century, Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici started with the renovations. Artists and genius Giorgio Vasari was in charge of the project, which featured a large ciborium or canopy above the altar for the Eucharist and added symmetry.

Centuries later, in 1966, a flood damaged the cathedral, which has been brought back to its orignal splendor. Indeed, it’s a must visit for any traveler headed to Florence.

If you’re planning a trip to Florence, or planning to study abroad, get ready with a Florence guide before departure!

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