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Author: Martha Miller

Lazio, Rome

Thanksgiving in Rome, Italy

The Bird’s the Thing Every continent has a form of “thanksgiving:”  Africa has Kwanzaa, India has Pongal and China has the August Moon Festival. Even in Italy, when the country still was a predominantly agricultural society, the time of harvest was associated, from north to south, with celebrations and fairs, some of which are still alive today. This […]

Rome, Tourism


While Rome entices with its extraordinary monuments, Trastevere, one of its many distinct neighborhoods, captures the traveler’s heart. Trastevere, which translates literally to “across the Tiber,” was once considered the outskirts of Rome. Allowed to develop its own flavor and now part of il centro storico, it’s the perfect place to glimpse a bit […]

shopping etiquette in italy

Shopping in Italy

Do you like to touch and feel when shopping? Are you tempted to pick up items you have no intention of buying just to take a closer look? Have you been chastised for reaching into a window display as if you’ve defiled sacred ground? If you answered “yes” to any […]


How to Dress Italian style

In a country where police uniforms are designed by Armani, it isn’t surprising that women take dressing very seriously. When I moved to Italy, I desperately wanted to look like I fit in. If you’re planning a trip to Italy soon, and don’t want to be pegged as a tourist, […]

Move to Italy

Times New Roman

Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. John Updike       I was on vacation with my mother in Florence, Italy in 1997 when she suggested we hop on a city bus, “…just to see where it takes us.” That fortuitous moment […]


Shopping in Trastevere

  Finding just the right gift to take home for someone can be as much fun for the giver as for the recipient. These Trastevere shops, located across the Tiber from the city center, all provide unique (but not weird) and useful (but not boring) gift ideas. You won’t find […]

expats in italy
Move to Italy

Moving to Rome

A New Life in an Old City My husband and I are not trust-fund babies, nor self-made millionaires, but like many, we dreamed of living outside the U.S. In August of 2001, after much discussion, research, and planning, we boarded the airplane from Houston, Texas with only the allowable two […]