Would you be happy to pay 1 euro for a house in Italy? It’s a dream for many, mostly the youngster who find it difficult to buy a house. It’s a dream that can come true thanx to the initiative of some Italian “comuni”, municipalities, that want to combat the desertion […]
Author: Katty
I giorni della Merla
The last 3 days of January (from the 29th to the 31st) are traditionally called “I Giorni della Merla” (Blackbird’s Days) and are considered the coldest days of the year. This is actually just a legend, because these three days usually are the chilliest of the year only once every 25 […]
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
Cinema Paradiso is the story of a young boy that after WWII grows a love for movies and helps the local projectionist in his cinema.
A video with a beautiful view of the Dolomites.
Italian-American traditions in the US.
Vajont: an announced disaster that could have been avoided, caused the death of almost 2,000 people in 1963; too often money is more important than life.
10 Best Italian “Primi Piatti”
Best (in my opinion) Italian first courses – primi piatti. Easy to prepare, very tasty and healthy, they can make first course or a whole meal.
Italy viewed from the Water
Some of the best views of Italy are actually from a boat from the sea, a river or lake; and they don’t have to be expensive cruises.
Positano, a little jewel along the Amalfi Coast, one of the most beautiful coastal areas of Italy.
Palio dei Mussi in Terrossa
A donkey’s race in Verona’s countryside