While the history of cheese can be dated back to antiquity, the Middle Ages marked the turning point for the development of Italian cheese tradition.
Author: Francesca Bezzone
Piemonte and its white truffles
Truffles: where to find them, how to search them, how to use them in the kitchen, how much they might cost.
Authentic Porcini sauce
Mushrooms are a symbol of the Fall and plenty of typically autumnal recipes call for their presence and one of the most common use is in sauces.
Five places to visit in Italy during the Fall
Whether you’re after country relax or artistic pleasure, you should check out these five destinations: always amazing, but particularly beautiful this time of the year.
Five delicious Italian Fall products
A well stocked larder and some recipes ideas are all you need to transform these long October evenings in something bright, fun, cozy and, of course, delicious.
Recipe of Castagnaccio, a dessert typical of the Italian Fall, made with chestnut flour.
The secrets of Sicily’s desserts
Luscious cannoli, refreshing granita and delicate biancomangiare: where else in the world would we find such a perfect mingling of history and flavors?
Five Curiosities about Florence
Firenze, cradle of the Renaissance, mother of the Italian language, Tuscany’s most precious gem, and bearer of a thousand secrets.
History of Italian Cuisine IV
The history of Italian cuisine is, truly, the history of Italy. It mirrors how the country has developed socially and culturally
Taste of Italy
A taste of Italy: landscape, culture and food.