Marostica is the home of chess and on even years, you can witness a truly unique living chess game, with origins dating back to the Middle Ages.
Author: Anna De Filippo
The Maremma grossetana
Maremma has become one of the most sought-after holiday destinations, perhaps thanks to the versatility of its landscape which combines hills, countryside, sea and towns.
A type of pasta for every sauce
There is a type of pasta for every sauce, as it is more natural to mix some categories of pasta with specific ingredients.
Sunday lunches in Italy
The good times when grandmas, nonne, would prepare amazing, delicious traditional meals for Sunday lunch for the whole big family.
The tradition of risotto in Italy
Even if Italy is often regarded as the home country of pasta, risotto is another popular dish served as primo piatto.
Il Galateo: Proper Manners in Italy
How to behave at the table in Italy: what is considered polite and what isn’t.
Italian beach establishments
Summer at the beach in Italy.
UNESCO sites in Northern Italy II
Aquileia, Valcamonica, Padua Botanical Garden, the Last Supper, Sacri Monti… there are many Unesco Heritage Sites in Northern Italy.
Italian Food legends
Italy’s culinary tradition is so rich and well established, it is almost natural to be curious about the origin and history behind some of its dishes.
Some curiosities pizza lovers should know
Curiosities about pizza