Fresh basil, just blended with other natural ingredients.
Genovese Pesto pasta sauce
- Fresh basil leafs
- Garlic
- 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Pine nuts
- Parmesan Cheese
- Pecorino Cheese
- A Pesto recipe so easy it will take you (almost) more time to open a can …
- Unlike many Italian-American recipes, this pesto recipe does not use garlic in the blender. Use only fresh basil leaves.
- Put leaves in the blender (if you have a good blender) or the Cousinart. Add pine nuts (pinoli). Add 1‚ 1½ glass of water and 1‚ 1½ glass of olive oil. Blend until smooth.
- Add parmigesan cheese, or Romano / Pecorino cheese for a more pungent flavor, add black pepper and salt to taste and blend.
- You can now add 2 or 3 garlic pieces divided in half (you can remove them before serving). Do not add the garlic in the blender or it will overpower everything else.
- Pour the sauce on the pasta of your choice.