Castles in Calabria were mainly built to protect lands and people from sea attacks coming from the region’s vast coast line.
Things to do and to see in Gerace, Calabria.
What to do and to see in Stilo, Calabria
What to do and to see in Squillace, Calabria.
What to see and to do in Soverato, Calabria.
Calabria, Italy is a small little developed region that forms the tip of the peninsula. The population is small at only about 2,012,000 persons and the economy, though growing, is weak. The region is difficult to navigate through the mountains and because of this communication networks and adequate road and […]
Catanzaro is the capital of the Calabria region in Italy. It’s also known as the “city of two seas”. Catanzaro is an urban region that remains immensely active and is an important tourism center in Italy. It stretches to a height of 600 meters from the sea and the coastal […]
Cosenza is a small city in the region of Calabria, in the southern part of Italy. It’s located at the confluence of the Busento and the Crathis rivers. The population of the municipality is roughly around 70,000; however, the entire urban area is inhabited by over 260,000 people. Cosenza has a […]
La Calabria
La Calabria, Italia La Calabria è terra di antichissima civiltà mediterranea, ed è il luogo primigenio da cui deriva il nome dell’intera nostra penisola. Italia, infatti, fu da principio la Calabria in onore del suo re, Italo. Molte testimonianze vanno dalla preistoria agli insediamenti dei Bruzi, il popolo autoctono, fino […]