Roasted pepper could also be served as an appetizer.

Roasted Peppers
- 10 bell peppers
- salt to taste
- 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The first part of this recipe can get your kitchen a bit messed up, but not more than so.
Start with the bell peppers (peperoni).
Select some large peppers of fairly regular shape, that are “meaty” – that is more than just the skin and seeds. If you can get different colors the end result is more fun.
Wash the peppers and place them in a non-stick oven pan (if you don’t have, just use a regular pan and then soak it after the peppers are cooked to clean).
Place in oven directly under the grill flame which is on full blast.
Let the outside skin of the peppers get burnt, then turn them to get the rest of the sides burned. Once this is complete, remove them from the oven, and under running cold water remove the outer skins which peel away very easily.
Obviously you also throw out all the seeds and stalks etc.
You end up with “fillets” of pepper that you place in a bowl in layers, with salt and olive oil.
If you like a bit of zest, place a few uncooked cloves of garlic between some of the layers for flavor.
This could be used as one of the components of your antipasto.