Italian maschere for Carnevale
Holidays – Festivals
Holidays and Festivals in Italy
Pulcinella, one of the most famous Traditional Carnival Masks in Italy
The corsa all’anello
Off-the-beaten events: the corsa all’anello If you appreciate and are really interested in the Middle Age tradition, Italy is rich in borghi, hamlets, and little villages celebrating their tradition in honor of this era. Several festivals and themed events are organized. La corsa dell’anello is an interesting occasion to see […]
Rome Events
A Vast Assortment of Festivals and Events to Attend in Rome It was a crucial year in Rome – the year of 1911. Everywhere among the tiny villas speculators were stirred up at the exposition taking place in the “Belle Arti.” People started recognizing architectures of true value, like the […]
Italian Calendar of Events
Italy Tours & Itineraries – Calandar of Events When to go to Italy and what will be happening when you get there? This is a question many travelers ask themselves before planning their trip to the Old Country. Italy is spectacular no matter what time of year you choose to […]
Spoleto Festival
If you’re planning a trip to Italy next summer, and more specifically to Umbria, you might want to consider coming when the Spoleto Festival of Two Worlds takes place, usually the first two weeks or seventeen days in July. The 60th edition takes place from June 30 through July 16 in […]