It’s been seven years since the earth trembled. We’re talking about one of the darkest and saddest days in central Italy’s history. Years pass, yet the memory remains—It’s still all sadly incised in my memory. A large portion of our country has been infamously wrecked and razed to the ground […]
August 21,1911: the story of the theft of the Gioconda
The night of August 21-22, 1911, was unlike any other. It is a symbolic date for Italian artistic tradition and fervent patriotism. On that night, Vincenzo Peruggia, an Italian employee of the Louvre Museum, stole the Mona Lisa to reclaim it as Italian property. This is the story of the […]
Stabilimenti Balneari are facing an uncertain future
The stabilimenti balneari, a staple of Italian beach life, are currently at the center of a heated national debate. These iconic beach establishments, long managed by families and passed down through generations, are facing a potential upheaval due to new EU regulations requiring open competition for beach concessions. This move, […]
The Via Appia Joins UNESCO World Heritage List
The Via Appia, also known as the Regina Viarum, the queen of all roads, has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, becoming Italy’s 60th site to receive this prestigious recognition. This decision was made during the 46th session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi. The Via […]
Anniversary of the Birth of the Italian Republic: June 2, 1946
Seventy-eight years ago, one of the most iconic and revolutionary dates in Italian history, the people freely chose the establishment of the republic. However, a victory that was not overwhelming highlighted a stark social divide between the North and the South.This is the story of the birth of the Italian […]
World War II bomb defused in Viterbo
The mission of the army pioneers to defuse a World War II bomb concluded successfully. This took place in the heart of Viterbo, Lazio, and necessitated the evacuation of 36,000 residents. Lady Rose bomb, in honor of S. Rosa With over 2000 kg of terror, 1300 kg of explosives, and […]
April 25: Liberation Day
Every year, when you look at the calendar in Italy and see the month of April, you know that a major commemoration day is coming up. For Italy’s history, it is a crucial day.Because not everyone is familiar with the history of national holidays, they are sometimes overlooked. It is […]
The First Italian High Fashion Show
The fine dressing and style of Italian fashion houses are renowned worldwide, unmatched by any other. But have you ever wondered how this achievement was reached? Did Italian fashion emerge from the ingenuity of a forward-thinking genius or is it the result of centuries of history? The evolution of this […]
Titanic Shipwreck: On the Trail of Italians on Board
As we commemorate the most tragic and unforgettable shipwreck in modern history, new information emerges about the stories of the Italians aboard and some survivors. Let’s go back to that frigid night 112 years ago, just 3 days after the boarding of the 269-meter marine giant. At 2:20 am on […]
Galileo Galilei ‘s Middle Finger Relic is Kept in Florence
The Uffizi Gallery museum complex in Florence houses priceless works of art, such as Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Primavera or Caravaggio’s Young Bacchus. Among these and other material works, there is a peculiar one that most people are unaware of: Galileo Galilei’s middle finger. Since 1927, Galileo Galilei’s […]